Chapter 3: Consequences

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Nonetheless, he'd took Sakura's advice to heart and bought a house. He just bought the first house he could afford. Naruto had bought a pretty big house, it had more than enough room for him. If he could probably fit 5 people in his old apartment, in his new house, he could fit about 20 people in it, the house was located on the outskirts of Konoha.

So, Naruto made a few shadow clones, and they helped carry his boxes to his new house. He didn't have much, just some clothes, scrolls, and pictures. When he arrived at the house, he finally realized how big it actually was, it made him feel a bit lonely. He'd have a huge house, but no one to share it with.

According to Sakura, she and Sasuke were already planning on moving in together. Temari was getting ready to stay in Konoha permanently since she and Shikamaru had been dating for a while. Choji had found a girlfriend that was from the hidden cloud, they were currently doing things long-distance, but during their last guys night, he had told them about her coming to stay with him. Ino had begun to date Sai, and even Kiba had begun to find someone.

That only left 2 girls out of the Konoha 12, Hinata, and Tenten. Naruto honestly thought Hinata was a little weird, and a bit too shy for him, while TenTen was still getting over the loss of Neji, and he had never seen her in that way anyway.

Sure, he had multiple people try and show off their daughters in hopes that Naruto would take interest in them, but Naruto politely declined each offer, he personally wanted to get to know someone instead of just rushing into a relationship blindly. It didn't help that the council were starting to pressure him into finding someone so he could rebuild his clan. So, Naruto ordered his clones to begin unpacking his things, and they all got to work.


Hanabi was currently seeking out Naruto, the man she had slept with while drunk, and was probably going to marry. She still thought the rule she'd broken was pretty dumb, and shouldn't exist, but it didn't matter anymore. She headed toward Naruto's training grounds since she would probably find him there.

Almost everyone in Konoha knew where Team 7's training grounds were. It was pretty hard not to know where it was when the rumble from Sakura's punches could be heard by anyone with ears.

While she walked, she spotted many people with hitai-ate. It reminded Hanabi of her shinobi career so far. She didn't exactly stand out, the once prodigal side of her when she was young had quickly faded after she had grown closer to Hinata. The only reason she used to be the heir for the clan was that she constantly trained due to her father pressuring her.

But still, even with all that effort, she had been surpassed by her older sister who was encouraged by her friends. This made Hanabi realize that having friends really helped, too bad she didn't have any.

When she was younger, she'd originally thought that she could do anything on her own, thus not getting close to any of her classmates at the academy. The only person she'd remotely had a connection to was Konohamaru. Even after the academy, she hadn't made any friends. Sure, she talked with her teammates every now and then, but it wasn't like they were best friends.

He was infamous in her class for wanting to be Hokage, much like a blonde-haired Shinobi. His nature had made Hanabi develop something of a crush on him. She'd always denied it in her head, but deep down, she knew she had a crush on him, she'd also noticed his attraction to Moegi as they got older, which only made her dislike the girl.

Unfortunately, she didn't have anything to win him over with either. When she was older, she'd noticed that many males liked girls with big breasts or moderate-sized butts, neither of which she had. Her older sister had both of those, however, but always covered it with baggy clothes, she honestly didn't know why she did that.

When she got older, she discovered that Hinata did that because she didn't want to attract any attention from other males, because she was in love with Naruto Uzumaki. In her eyes, Naruto Uzumaki was the bane of her existence.

Hanabi would sometimes follow Hinata who in turn followed Naruto, and she never really discovered what she saw in him. Once she found out that Naruto was Konohamaru's mentor, or boss' as he says, it made her dislike him even more than she already did.

This was mainly because she'd wanted someone to blame for why she felt what she felt towards Konohamaru. If Naruto had never mentored him, maybe she wouldn't have a crush on him, which would've probably relieved her of some stress.

During the Fourth Shinobi War, she and the people who were her age and were also shinobi were tasked with guarding Konoha while Jounin and some Chunin, were on the front lines, fighting the 2-day war.

It was pretty boring, no one bothered to attack Konoha since all of the nations were allied now, so they just spent most time slacking off. Hanabi took it seriously though, even though it was useless. People around her just flirted with each other and lazed around.

Though she took the job seriously during those 2 days, she had occasionally paid attention to the people around her. The girls would just talk about which guys were the coolest, while the guys would talk about Jutsu they were working on and how 'hot' the girls were.

Her name had never popped up during those conversations, something she didn't know she was jealous of. It actually made her think about her life.

She had no friends, no one noticed her as a woman nor a shinobi, and the only reason she was taking this futile job seriously was that it was all she had to do. The only people she was semi-close with were her sister and her teammates. Her father wasn't the kind of person who openly showed affection so that was bond was thrown out the window. Actually, it was never in the room in the first place to be thrown out the window.

So, as she sought out Naruto, even though she knew she'd betrayed her sister (albeit wasn't intentional) She didn't regret what happened, she barely remembered any of it. But as long as she was a bit happy during that time, though she was drunk when it happened, she didn't regret it.

She actually looked forward to having something interesting happen in her boring life.

A Mistake Not Meant to Bear Fruit [Naruto x Hanabi]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum