Little Reminder [8]

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I woke up before Erudite. I had a meeting today with everyone. I got some clothes and got dressed in the bathroom. When I was done I walked back out. Erudite was still sleeping, so I left a letter telling her I would see her later on. Then I walked out, stopping a maid.

"Erudite daughter of Balin is in my room. Please wake her at noon and take her to her house then show her where the training room is. She is the new teacher, after that is done you may have the rest of the day off. Also I'll double you pay if you don't tell anyone of this." I told her.

"Yes, prince it will be done." She said with a nod and I went on my way. It felt good to know more about Erudite. I could help a father and daughter. That thought made me smile. Soon I was at the great room, I walked in to find everyone there. 'Shit was I late!' I thought but still made my way to my seat and sat down.

"Why so late, brother?" Kili asked me. I just shook my head. I looked around to see everyone smiling at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"Laddie, what happened to you last night at your party?" Thorin asked. 

"Better yet, what happened to you and Erudite?" Dwalin asked. My cheeks grew warm.

"Nothing!" I lied.

"Oh really than why did the guards say you two went down to the river?" Thorin asked and Dwalin hit my arm.

"We got bored and just wanted to do something fun for once!" They all laughed, besides Kili he looked mad.

"Listen lad, we know you like her you don't have to hide it." Balin said.

"But I'm going to, I promised her I would help her get to know you, all of you. So she won't have to keep running, so she could have a place to call home." They all nodded then we started with the meeting.



I awake to a knock on the door "Come in!" I yelled. I saw a lady, so I sat up. "M'lady." she said then bowed.

"Please you don't need to do that." I said the she nodded.

"Prince Fili asked me to awake you at noon, so you could get to your teaching class in time."

"Shit, that's today. I don't know where that is!"

"And that's why I'm here, to walk you back to your house, then there. Fili really wants you to be safe." she said smiling. I nodded then she lead me out of the palace. Then to my house. I walked in changed into training clothes, then back to her were she lead me to the train room. She bowed again before leaving. I opened the doors to find four kids next to Dwalin.

"Class this is your other teacher, Miss Erudite." I nodded then walked to them. There was three boys and one little girl. "Who wants there main weapon to be a sword?" Dwalin said them, all the boys said they wanted to but the girl looked scared. I put my hands on hers 

"What would your weapon of choice be dear?" I asked her, she was shy.

"She's to weak to even hold a sword or Axe." One boy said. "and she's to little and has no eye, hand coronation." Another said. "She shouldn't even be here!" The last one said. I was getting mad, I looked at Dwalin with anger in my eyes. The little girl started to tear up. "Hey don't cry!" I said while standing. "Dwalin, I'll train her you got the boys."

"We must train them together." He said. 

"I will as soon as they show respect, anyone can fight. Young, old, fat, skinny, tall, or short anyone can fight. I'll train this one." I said taking her to the other side of the room. After Dwalin nodded in agreement.

"Ok young one first what's your name?" I asked her.

"Brill, daughter of Biff." She said with a smile. 

"Weapon of choice?" I saw her smile

"Throwing knifes but my dad tells me that, that won't save me. So that's why I'm here." I smiled at her.

"Let's try you on a bow then a sword." she smiled once again. I got up and got her a bow then a bag of arrows. I got back to her than placed and arrow in the string and let it go, hitting the middle. I gave them to her. "Now take out a dagger and throw it, split the arrow in half." I said and she did, then she throw a couple more, each of them hitting there mark.

"Good, now do that with the bow." She put the arrow in and letting it go. It hit the wall. "Okay now this time relax, tune out the world like you did with the daggers." She did it, but hit the blue circle. "Now, slow your breathing, bend your arm more." She did, but just hitting outside outside of the middle. She tried a couple more times. But the boys started yelling at her from a crossed the room. "Tune them out, think that they are the ones your trying to hit. Let the anger flow when you shoot. Balance yourself. Prove to them you are good enough or even better than them to fight." And with the last words I said, she let go hitting my arrow and splitting it in half.

"End of training!" Dwalin yelled, I turned to the little girl. 

"Asked your dad to do some fight stuff with you for the sword. Then take these, ask him to go out into the woods and show him how good you are, he will be proud." I said giving her a small bow and arrows to match. She hugged me and ran off.

"You are a great teacher you know that." Dwalin said.

"I could guess, I taught myself." I smiled.

"You taught yourself, no one taught you?" Dwalin asked.

"Yes myself, but hey I'm pretty good. Soon she will be too." I smiled again.

"Well I'll see you at this time for the next month. Then hopefully they'll get to move on to guard training." He said while leaving. 

I left back to the house. As soon as I got in Bofur had dinner made. So I sat down on the couch and he brought out soup for me. "How was training?" He asked sitting down in the chair.

"Were do I start, I'm training Brill, Biff's daughter. She's really lovely and she learns quick. Then theres three boys that pick on her all the time. She's gonna shut them up here soon though. Plus it was tiring." I said.

"Well soon she will be as good as you if she's learning from you lass." He said, and that put a big smile on your face. "But lass, what's up with you and Fili?" he asked.

"Nothing why?"

"You didn't come home last night, I got your letter but still a small walk isn't until about 1 in the afternoon. Plus your wearing his crest in your hair. He said pointing at my hair.

"Well I-I like him but its hard. He's a prince and I'm no one just some girl." I say.

"Your the daughter of the man that is the closest to the king himself, Thorin to be exact." I nodded and ate my food. Soon after we were done eating Bofur fell asleep and I did too.

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