My Kids [30]

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I don't know how long I cried into Fili's arms. Three years, I've missed three years. Fili looked as if he'd been stabbed over and over again. My twins where three now, so that means I've missed three years with them. But the other two were doing okay with finding out that they haven't missed to much. But Landon was at the same state with me.

We've just missed three years of our kids life. My son was currently with Fili and I. Our daughter was with Dis at this time because she doesn't understand why daddy is holding and crying of another girl. I don't really blame her, because Fili told them I left but I wouldn't be back for a while. Plus I wouldn't just want my dad to say that mommy was gone and to see another girl with my father. But I haven't asked Fili has shown them a picture of me ever.

"I'll go and see how the others are holding up." Fili said breaking the silence. "Want to come with little man?" He asked Gili.

"Me good!" He replied.

Fili shrugged and kissed my forehead before leaving. I let out a big sigh and Gili turned around and looked at me confused. He got up from the floor and made his way over the the dresser. He pulled something out and walked over next to me. He tried to put a piece of paper by my face but since I was sitting on the bed it was a little hard for him. I laughed lightly and sat down on the ground. He smiled happily and put the paper next to my face.

Excitement came from him and he laughed lightly.

"MAMA?" He yelled "MAMA!!!"  He said again.

"Gili-" I started

"No, ew mama, ew her!" He turned the paper around and point to the Lady. I smiled big as I saw the picture of me. I guess Fili did tell them.

"Baby." I cupped his face. "I've missed you so much! I love you, I hope you know that."

I was taken off guard when he kissed my noise then hugged me. His body was so small but muscular, that surprised me. He was only a baby but he had muscles like Fili. 'Like father like son.' I thought to myself. When Gili let go, I kissed his cheek and he smiled big.

"I luv ew tew mama!" I smiled at him. I stood up and brushed my dress. I felt a small tug on my dress and I looked down to find Gili with his hands raised up high. "Up!" He pouted. I sighed and pulled him to my hip. I smiled big at him and he did the same, then rested his head on my shoulder.

After me walking around the room a little bit. Making my son fall asleep in my arms. He was snoring lightly as I walked out on the balcony, looking at the green land that rounded the mountain. It felt good to be here again but three years WOW!

I was out there for a little while. Until I felt another tug on my dress. I looked down to see a shy blondes haired girl looked up at me with watery eyes. Sadness come over me, I felt guilty in a way. I knelt down in front of her and tucked a pace of hair behind her ear.

"May, why are you crying?" I asked her.

"Daddy, ew gone." She cried.

"Yes I was gone but now I'm back. I'll never leave ever. I never ment to leave you or brother or......daddy. I promise I promise!" Now I was crying again. Her little hands found my cheeks and she kissed my noise.

"Mama...........daddy tewgefer?" She tilted her head.

I brought my right hand to her face and held it. She nozzed into my touch.

"Yes!" I answered weakly. I honesty didn't know, I mean I hope so. I was still wearing my ring but he hasn't said anything to me about us. Its been three years here not three days. But I couldn't tell my three year old daughter that I don't know if me and her father are together.

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