Chapter 3

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Me and Natalie were on our way home when a Blue truck pulled up next to us. The window rolled down and Michael is behind the steering wheel. "Get in!"
He yells over the radio. We get in the back and notice we weren't the only ones in the car. Between me and Natalie is a girl with redish hair and gorgeous blue eyes. And in the front is my worst nightmare.... Luke fucking Hemmings. "Hi I'm Kamri!" The girl now known as kamri pipes up. "Hi! Im natalie and this is stephanie." Natalie replies cheerfully. I reach in my bag and pull out my gummy worms. "Umm can I have some candy?" Kamri shy-fully asks. I nod and hand her a few. I hear a deep chuckle and the devil himself turns around. "Hello stephanie."
"Hello asshole." I reply sharply
"Oo feisty I like it." He says with a wink
I scoff and look out the window.
We pull up to my house and me and Natalie make our way out.
"Do you guys want to come in?" Natalie asks. God damnit Natalie your basically inviting the devil into our house. Luke looks directly at me and says "You know what, I would love to come inside." He says with a cocky grin. I roll my eyes and walk inside. This might be the day I kill someone.

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