Chapter 5

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(Luke's POV)
It's now Tuesday and I'm dreading music class at the end of the day. I want to see Stephanie but at the same time I don't. What am I saying? Im Luke Hemmings nobody can turn me down. The bell rings and it's tome for music. I'm on my way to class when I get stopped to my buddy ashton.
"Hey you know the new American transfers?" He asks
"Ya." I reply bluntly
"Well natalie is fucking hot." He says with a wolf whistle.
I roll my eyes and walk away. I enter class and sit next to Stephanie just like I did yesterday. "Hey steph"
"Don't call me that."
Damn well someone isn't happy.
"What should I call you? Kitten, baby girl,babe?"
She just rolls her eyes and scoff.
I turn around and decide to ignore her im not doing this shit today.
(Stephanies POV)
I know I've been rude to Luke but its only because we kissed yesterday. I dont know what I felt bit there was something there and I'm scared that he didnt feel it

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