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I met her 10 days after Techzilla killed Clary. Her name was Nova. And I swear, she looked just like Clary. I mean they could be siblings. She had just walked into my high school, and I couldn't believe my eyes. I staggered over to her and whispered next to her, "Clary?"

"Who?" she asked as she turned around. And I swear, those eyes, her eyes were just as piercing as they had been 10 days ago.

"Clary?" I croaked again. She looked at me kind of funny, then an expression went across her face that I never would forget. It was a mixture of fear, anger, elation, and happiness.
"First, my name is Nova. And second, Finn?" Her voice sounded hopeful. I was at first so confused. Then I got this feeling of elation. Then came the crashing despair.
"Why do you have to pull such a cruel joke on me?"
"What's to joke about Finn?"
"This isn't you. This isn't you. Clary is dead. I watched her die. That thing... It killed her.
"You can't be real, you can't." As I finished that, Nova grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear something that scared more than anything else ever has.
"You died, Finn."

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