A lady and her charms (Lobalore)// Slight NSFW

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               "Here are your champions."
  Bangalore, Loba and Pathfinder show up on the big screens broadcasted all over the world, they leave the area only to come across awaiting fans cheering and congratulating them on their win while the paparazzi are flashing their cameras sticking microphones in everyone's  faces.

  "So how does it feel winning AGAIN since last weeks game Ms.Loba?!" A paparazzi eagerly questioned only to be shoved out the way by another "How does it feel completing in the same games as your parents killers?!" Loba stops, her blood beings to boil at that, she was ready to attack at any moment. She raises her hand at him but quickly feels her arm get held back and pulled into an embrace. "Don't let them get to you okay, sweetheart?" Anita whispered.

  She turns around to see Anita smiling at her before letting her go and heading over confronting the paparazzi that dared to ask such a despicable question. Loba's heart has calmed a little thanks to Anita. She smiles and the gesture now that her heart is filled with warmth. Anita rushes back to her and grabs hold of her wrists.

"Anita what are you-"

"Just follow my lead, don't pay any mind to those fools, alright girly?"

A shy nod leaves Loba's head and they run off toward the dropship that has been waiting for them on the other side of the lot.
They make it just in time, seconds before the dropship left them, they take a seat on one of the couches catching hold of their breath. Anita pulls out a champagne bottle from the cupboard above them as well as two wine glasses to pour the champagne in. She pours one out and passes it to Loba before pouring one out for herself.

"So how are you feeling? Doing alright?" Anita asks, she hasn't realized it but her concern was written all over her face, she was an open book. Loba takes another sip of the pungent drink, she sighs. "I'm just tired of people mentioning that damn demonio, it just brings back the unwanted memories of the pain and suffering he put my family and others through."

Anita puts her arm around Loba pulling her closely giving her a small, gentle kiss on her forehead. Loba rarely gets to see this side of Anita. She starts to giggle at the thought of Anita being like this, off her guard and showing affection like this; wondering what it would be like if she was always like this. Loba blushes at the thought. "What are you giggling about, huh?" Anita smirks

"Oh nothing, just how soft you can get Anita, it's refreshing every now and then since you're always in soldier mode." she chuckles

"Soldier mode?"

"Yes, you're always on your guard, so serious, not giving me the affection and attention that a girl like me wants." she jokingly unjokingly remarks

Anita pins Loba down on the couch they were resting on, taking in the way her body was positioned under her. She can barely contain herself, she leans in, kissing her cheek down to her neck to the crevice of her breasts. Loba lets out soft moans and gasps. Anita lifts her head "So what did you say about me not giving enough affection and attention?" Anita cockily asks.

"Oh shut up and come here." Loba puts her palms on Anita's cheeks, pulling her in for a kiss. They make out for a couple seconds before Anita deepens the kiss, cupping her breast in the palm of her hand softly caressing it. Anita breaks the kiss by pulling away from Loba leaving a string of saliva connecting the two before it broke.

They both start panting and gasping for air, both a sweaty, hot mess bestowed upon each other. Loba starts to smile as she puts her left hand in Anita's pinkish dress tracing the shape of her abs. Anita grabs hold of her hand and kisses her wrist then pulling her upward setting her on her lap facing her. "You're so beautiful." Anita tells her giving her a quick peck on the lips. "I know." Loba cockily smiles, but in reality her heart melted at the words that came out of Anita's mouth.

Loba repositions herself laying her head on Anita's chest tracing circles around the cloth of her dress before drifting away to sleep. Anita puts her arm around her shoulders keeping her warm as she slept waiting for them to finally land back home.
"Sleep tight, you deserved it princess." Anita whispers before slowly drifting to sleep herself.

//768 words//

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