Happy Birthday!!!!

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"Happy Birthday to Fiona Happy Birthday to you!!! Yaaay!!!" People screamed.
"Make a wish darling!" Fiona's mother says. Fiona squeezes her eyes tight and wishes for a boyfriend. She opens her eyes and blows out the candles.

Later that week the new boy named Fred asked her out. She said yes. Fred was a shy boy, with dark black hair, pale skin, and eyes that looked like black pits. But Fiona didn't care, at least she had a boyfriend.

But after a few months Fred started acting strange. He was always touching her and would never let her see her friends. Then one day Fiona had enough and went to talk to him.
"Will you stop being so clingy!" She says. She looks up at him and into his deep dark pits of eyes. Then they started to change color. They became red.
"You will die tonight Fiona!" Fred said. Fiona backed up and ran out of the place. She ran home and jumped in bed trying to fall asleep.

Later that night she heard something downstairs. Then she heard footsteps come up the stairs. She looked over at the clock to see it was 12:34. She laid back down and tried to fall asleep. 'Must be the cat' she though. Then her doorknob started turning. And what she say next was horrifying.

The next morning the parents woke up and went into there daughters room. She looked sound asleep. Then they saw red liquid trickling from the bed. They lifted the cover to see she was torn limb from limb. There was a note cared on her chest that said 'Your next'.

This story was made by my sister @spiderman_019

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