When You Sleep

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No sleep huh? I certainly won't be getting any.

Do you know what happens when you're asleep? No. Well, anything can happen to you, you're asleep. It would be so easy to come and watch you. Lying there, eyes closed, in your own world, motionless.

Even the creakiest of doors can be opened silently, if you do it slow enough.

Of course, they would have to be in your house first, thats ridiculous. How could somebody get into you're home- your fortress? You locked the door. Right? No problem, enough people can pick locks, shouldn't be to hard. Also you can easily get in through a window.

They could also have a key. Do you know how easy it is to get a key cut these days? No? It takes about 30 minutes. They could come and go as they please, silently entering you're house. Maybe they were old tenants, did you change the lock when you moved in? Come on now, you're practically welcoming them. While you're asleep in your comfy bed, away in your own world, they're in you're bedroom, watching you sleep.

Lurking in the shadows.

Of course, they're always gone before you wake up. Thats the beauty of t. They can do what they want when you sleep, and you're none the wiser. Some old guy could have been in your room last night with you. He might be there again tonight. Watching you. Smelling you.

Think about it now. How difficult is it to get inside your house?

How safe are you inside your house?

Sweet dreams!!!

Scary StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora