Part 10: My day with Jr

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Jr: Hey Kat ^^

I wonder how my day with Jr will go... he said he likes me but.. Mark. I hope nothing crazy goes on. I'll look forward to a good day with my best friend anyways.

"Jr! Ready to go?"

Jr: Haha I couldn't sleep at all last night. I'm too hyped.

"Haha, where do you wanna go first?"

Jr: Hmm. Breakfast? Then... the mall?

"Sounds good, I'm starving!"


*At a Cafe*

"Then suddenly, someone kicks my leg and I fall to the ground! And that's how my ankle was sprained."

I was telling Jr how I sprained my ankle when I was 15. I forgot how the topic came up but it didn't matter.

Jr: Haha they cheated! How long were you handicapped for?

"About a month, I recovered quickly."

Jr: That reminds me of the time I almost fell off stage. Yeah.. it was scary. Imagine falling on all those fans..

"Haha they'd eat you alive!"

Jr: They really would, that would be the last of Jr xD.

So far my day with my bestie is going pretty smoothly.

"After this we'll head to the mall?"

Jr: Yeah, unless you wanna go watch a movie or something.

"Nah, the mall sounds fine, we can go shopping!"

Jr: Yeah of course. Let's go!

He paid, then we were off to the mall, I held on to his arm while we were walking.

"Jr you got nice arms, you lift?"

Jr: haha obviously I do. I'm in a K-pop group, I must look good for my fans.

"Of course, the fans come first. How does it feel to have thousands of girls all over you?"

Jr: xD they're not all over me.. it feels good though, I can influence them to do the good things in life.. I guess haha. I never actually thought about it.

"How do you feel when you're on stage?"

Jr: Why are you suddenly asking this? Do you perhaps need some advice ;)?

"Haha shut up. No, I'm actually curious. What's it like?"

Jr: Well.. loud heh. That's for sure. Uhm.. it feels overwhelming, having so many fans cheer for you and get excited at everything you do is just... unexplainable.

"I can only imagine..."

Jr: Heh. Let's go check out that store, I see hats I might like... leul wonhasibnikka? (Want to?)

" gaja! " ( Let's go! )

As soon as we walked into the store he put a cap on me as I did the same, we giggled as we explored the whole store, trying out shirts, trying on other hats, glasses, scarfs.

Jr: Oh my gosh, this pink beanie would look so cute on you!

"Hahaha xD you sounded really funny just now."

Jr: What? Here, try it on.

I took the beanie from him and put it on, adjusting it since my bangs were in the way.

Jr: Woah.. too cute. Let me take a picture!

He whipped out his phone and began snapping pics of me.

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