Part 22: Torn

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The ambulance arrived and immediately rushed me to the hospital. I was sent into the emergency room immediately and was taken x-rays.

The results were absolutely heartbreaking.

Mark held on to me as I hysterically lost control, everything changed in such a sharp turning point. I can't believe this is happening to me. Right when I'm at my highest in my career.

"Katsumi..Listen to me.." he said.

I cried.

"It's gonna be alright."

"No! It's not!" I sobbed. "Didn't you hear what the doctor said!" I sobbed silently. "I may never be able to dance again!" I lost it.

He held me tighter as I tried to hold it together. "But.." he said.

I glanced up at him. "He said you will recover no matter what. It all depends on how the surgery goes.." he said.

I continued to cry in his arms. I feel so out of place.

Soon, JYP and the other's arrived.


Mark: Don't shout..

JYP: Katsumi are you alright? What happened to you foot? Did you sprain it?

-doctor walks in-

JYP: Doc! What happened? Is she okay?

Doctor: I examined her x-rays and she tore her ligaments....

The others gasped and glanced at me shocked.

JYP: Tore? Like.. detached?

Doctor: (shakes head no) just slightly detached from the edge. She'll need surgery to stitch it up.

I burried my face into Marks chest and continued to cry.

JYP: How long will the surgery take?

Doctor: About an hour.

I cried and cried.

BB: Noona..

Youngjae: Kat don't cry..

Jackson: When will she have the surgery?

Doctor: As soon as possible.

JYP: Tomorrow then.

Mark: Wait..shouldn't that be her choice?

JYP: It's best if we get her to recover asap.

I took a deep breath. "I'll have the surgery tomorrow.." I sobbed.

Doctor: Okay. In that case, she'll have to stay here for the night.

JYP: Arasso.. uh doc? May I have a word with my idols. For a moment please.

Doctor: Of course sir.

-doctor leaves-

JYP shut the door and locked it then turned around very furiously.

JYP: Would anyone like to tell me.. HOW THE HELL THIS HAPPENED?!

Mark: Don't shout please..

JYP: WHY SHOULDN'T-.... (breaths) okay.. I'm not gonna yell. But I wanna know how this happened exactly.

I took a deep breath and released from Marks grip. "It was my fault."

Everyone glared at me wide eyed.

Mark: Kat no its-

"No. It is, I did this to myself.. I.. I was foolish and stupid.."

Jackson: Kat..

Got7's Girl (GOT7 MARK FANFIC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin