Part 32: Just Right (THE END)

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"Okay guys, I'll see you all tomorrow. Bye!"

Class: Bye!

My students began to escort themselves out as I packed my things.

"Excuse me..Katsumi?"

I looked up, it was one of my students. "Oh hey, what's up?"

"I don't know if I'll upset you with this but.. uh.. are you by any chance the former famous k-idol Kat?"

My heart sunk to my stomach.

It's been months and I never looked back.

The fans went crazy, nonetheless the fandom went berserk overall. The kpop industry couldn't believe that I dropped everything. I deleted all my social media accounts and never reached out to them. No one is sure where my whereabouts are, and I was hoping it'd stay that way.

Mark has never tried or bothered to look for me, I see him on broadcast sometimes when I watch TV but I change the channel.

My life as a k-idol is over and I'm very content with that. Now here, a girl is asking me something I tried so hard to avoid.

I simply chuckled. "Girl you got it all wrong, I get that a lot since I resemble her so much. But no, I'm not her."

"But your names are exactly the same."

"It's completely coincidental."

"Hmm..but..I swear you both-"

"Like I said, I get that a lot. Go on home, it's late." I said.

She sighed. "I guess you're right. I'm sorry, it's just that ...well you know about her right? Kat, the famous k-idol that made it big as soon as she debuted?"

The biggest achievement of my life, I'll never forget it.

I nodded

"One day it was announced that she had fled. Which means no more Kat. It was devastating and heartbreaking. I heard fans were killing themselves over it."

Oh my god..I didn't know that.

"I literally cried that whole day, if only I knew she was hurting..."

I'm okay, Kitten.

"When her and GOT7's Mark broke up, that's when it all went downhill. Both of them suffered and sucks."

I smiled. "Well at least Mark is still there, right?"

"I guess but I was Team Kat all the way..."


"Well, I'll be going now. Bye!" She said and walked out.

I waved as I watched her walk out.

I crossed my arms, I can't believe fans killed themselves over my departure? I mean... I know it was hectic but I never expected it to be

Aish I feel so bad, I wish I could do something but..even if I can I know I won't.

I want nothing to do with the kpop world.

After I gathered my things I went home.

When I told my parents what happened and my reasons as to why I left, they understood.

At first they went crazy and thought I was stupid for doing so, but after thinking about it with an open mind, they got it.

I still have their support and I'm very happy. I got my old job back and I live life normally.

It's as if I never became an idol.

But one thing for sure is that I'll never forget the good things of being an idol. The love from your fans and the achievements, nonetheless the fandom in whole.

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