Chapter 9

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A Lucky Charm Is Found

My life sucks. My parents don't love each other and always takes out their anger on me. I don't have any friends and my crush thinks I am a loser. If this is how my life is going to be I don't wanna live.

I noticed the cool kids walking on the other side of the road. They were going to school and so was I. You must be thinking just go talk to them but it's not that simple.

Everyone thinks that I am weird, a loner. No one wants to talk to me.

As I was walking something came under my shoe. Picking it up I realised it was a stone. It looked weird. Shrugging I put it it my pocket.

It was the first class. I saw Jack-the asshole. He always bullies me. I wish his pant would rip infront of everyone. Suddenly his pants ripped. Everyone started laughing.

What a coincidence! I saw Lily my crush come in. I wish she sat next to me.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" She asked.

I could only shake my head. She sat down next to me. These coincidences are getting weirder now. What is happening?

At lunch, Jack came to me. "I noticed you laughing at me." He sneered. He looked really pissed.

Just when he was about to punch me, I wished he would die. And then the fan fell on him. He started bleeding. The teachers came and took him to the hospital.

Once home I recieved the news about his death. I could not believe it. 'Is it because of the stone?' I thought.

All of this started when I picked it up. This is amazing. Now I can live my life however I want. I found a lucky charm.

Jack's death? It means nothing. People die all the time. I laughed.

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