3. Inseparable

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A/N You are Ian's twin sister in this imagine. Also this is longer than usual.
Warning : panic attack

As the child protective services lady walked in, everyone paused in shock, except Debbie. She was screaming about almost drowning a slut at the pool today.

She told us to go and pack our bags since she would be taking us to a better "home" until they resolved our case. I was nervous because the last time this happened me and Ian were sent to a weird creepy family. At least he helped me feel safe.

Ian and I are practically conjoined twins at this point. We were always together, wether at school or at work or just hanging out, hell we sometimes sleep in the same bed because of our nightmares. He's my best friend and I don't know what i would do without him.

Sometimes when we spend too much time apart, I get super anxious and it can get to the point of an panic attack. The school psychologist told me that I may have a separation anxiety disorder. That's probably why we spend so much time together.

One time Fiona told us that when we were babies we wouldn't go to sleep unless we were next to each other. We would scream and cry if we weren't together. If one of us started crying, the other would too. If one was happy, the other was too.

Even till this day, we sometimes act like that. I can't see him sad cause I'll get sad too and if he's happy he infects me with joy. We can even communicate with face and hand gestures. I'd probably die without him.

We made our way to the white van that was outside our house, the lady was waiting for us to get in. Fiona came out after us asking for our placement addresses but the lady wouldn't say. Steve arrived and asked Fiona what was going on as we made started getting in the van.

"Department of family services is taking us away" said Debbie sadly. "They what? Can thy do that? Asked Steve. "It wont last, Debs. I promise. What was tin last time, a week?" Said Fiona reassuringly. "Nine days" Debbie deadpanned.

"Aw, 20 bucks says we're back in five" said Lip jokingly. I hugged Fiona goodbye and went inside the van and sat next to Ian. "Hey, you okay?" Ian asked me. "Yeah, I'm just nervous. I don't want the kids to get stuck in bad homes" I replied.

I layer my head on his shoulder and he laid his on top of mine. "You guys okay?" Asked the child services lady. "Oh yeah. Ain't our first time at the rodeo" said Lip.

"Cause Liam's still cute and little, he'll go to some loving home with people whom really want to start a family but waited so long their egg batter rotted so they can't have their own" said Lip.

"And Debbie and Carl will be placed together because..." said Ian. "Because the state always tries to keep siblings together" said Debbie, Lip, Carl and I in unison. "Just like me and Ian since we're twins" I said.

"But (Y N), Lip and I can handle whatever nut jobs we end up with" said Ian. "Remember that last guy with the, uh..." said Lip. "With the fucking bathroom peephole?" I finished. "Oh yeah" replied Ian.

"Well, this time's gonna be a title different" said the lady. "I've placed Liam and Carl together, but Debbie, unfortunately, has to be placed separately" said the lady with a small amount of remorse.

"All by myself?" Asked Debbie nervously.  "And  Phillip, Ian and (Y N), you're too old to be placed, so you're going to a group home" said the lady ignoring Debbie. "But, (Y N) is going to an all girls group home, and Phillip and Ian to an all boys group home" finished the lady.

Cameron Monaghan Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن