|FIVE| Karen at the beach

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A/N This story was inspired by a video from R/slash in YouTube.

Summer! Finally I get to spend my days off doing whatever I want. I can go anywhere I want, eat whatever I want and be weird crazy myself. Cameron wanted to go to the beach and I of course  agreed to go. We had everything packed up and ready, we got in the car and started driving. It took us like half an hour to get to te beach.

Once we parked, we got out of the car, got our things and started our trail to the shore. We found the perfect spot close enough to the shore, we got our blanket to lay on the sand, a basket with snacks and a tiny portable fridge for drinks. I took off my oversized shirt and got my sunblock out to put it on.

"Hey Cam, help me put this on my back please?" I asked him. He looked so attractive, he had taken his shirt off, his abs were defined. His curly red hair was glowing in the sun and his freckles were more visible. Damn , he's beautiful

"Sure, come here" he said and motioned for me to come and sit in front of him. I went and sat down, his legs were along side mine. I was almost sitting in his lap, I moved forward so he could see my back and have more space to apply the sunblock.

He started applying it, his big soft, yet slightly rough hands went over my back, reaching the spots that I couldn't get to. He started to softly massage my shoulders and I let out sound of content. After he finished, I did the same to him and helped him with the sunblock so he didn't turn into a lobster.

After we were done we decided to head into the water and swim for a while. We were having the time of our lives. "We should come here more often" I said. "We definitely need to come here more. Race you to the shore!" He yelled and started whining as fast as he could to the shore.

"Hey! That's not fair you cheater!" I yelled and went after him. He won since he cheated and caught me of guard. I'll get you next time. "Hey, I'm gonna stay here for a bit and lay down" I said tiredly. "Okay, I'm gonna go and jog for a bit along the shore" he said and went and kissed me on the cheek.

Everything was going perfect until Karen came along...

"Ahem, excuse me" a female voice said. "Yes? Hi, how can I help you?" I asked from my lying position on the ground. I sat up to pay her more attention and not be disrespectful. "I just wanted to ask if you could cover up your chest. It's distracting my son" she said with an eerily smile.

"Um... excuse me?" I said confused. "You are wearing a very inappropriate bathing suit and it's distracting my son and I would like for you to cover up your chest" she said with a less friendly attitude. "Um... lady, I don't know who you think I am but I'm not covering up anything. And I think that sounds like a you problem" I said firmly.

She did not like this. "How could you do that?! You are being very disrespectful! You're over here being very inappropriate for a young woman, trying to seduce young boys! You are offending every woman by dressing up in such inappropriate clothes!" She yelled.

I was completely baffled. This Karen has the audacity to come here accusing me of being "inappropriate" and trying to "seduce" young boys because I'm wearing a bikini. What the hell. "Wait, what? I'm not trying to seduce anyone and I have a boyfriend! And by no means I'm wearing something inappropriate! We're at a beach for God's sake!" I yelled back, tired of her shit.

"If I'm bothering you so much then why don't you move away instead of coming up to me and harassing me about my clothes lady. And teach your son some manners instead of letting him stare at a girl's boobs at the beach" I said angrily. "You are a disgrace to every woman on this earth, I hope you never have children since they are going to turn out like you" she said with rage.

Oh she did not just say that. "Disgrace? I'll show you disgrace!" I said and leapt at her but I felt something holding me back. It was Cameron. "Hey lady, why don't you go and leave my girlfriend alone before things get ugly" he said with a glare, if looks could kill she'd be 6 feet under ground right now.

"You're girlfriend has been distracting my son with her chest since we got here and I'm tired of it! Why don't you put her in her place as she should be" she said glaring back. Cameron was fuming, his hands that were holding me tightened and his jaw clenched. You could see his vein popping in his forehead.

"Oh? Your son has been distracted by her chest huh? Where is he so I can talk to him? Maybe even teach him a lesson and some manners on respecting women" he said with a manic voice and smile. The lady soon realized that what she said was wrong and got scared with the look that Cameron was giving her.

Soon enough, we saw a figure running towards us, it was her son, he came and apologized on her behalf and tried to drag her away but Cameron stopped him. "Hey, are you the son that's been staring at my girlfriend's chest?" He asked, done with their bullshit. "Uh- I- y-yes..." he said with a terrified voice.

"If I ever see you again, staring at my girlfriend or any other girl for that matter, I'm going to teach you a lesson on respecting women that you're never going to forget. Got it ?" He said, glaring him down. He looked like he was about to go psycho. "Y-yes I understand" the boy said and quickly left with his mother.

"Not gonna lie, that was hot" I said with a smile towards Cameron. "Oh really? Maybe I should be like that more often" he said with a smirk. "For a moment there I thought you were gonna go all Jerome on him" I said laughing. "Oh trust me, I was about to but I controlled myself" he said laughing too.

"Come here" I said giggling. He came towards me and I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He hugged me back tightly and kissed the top of my head. I kissed his shoulder and snuggled him a bit more before yelling "Race you to the water!" I pushed him and ran as fast as I could to the water.

"Hey! Not fair!" He yelled and started laughing. I reached the water first and started splashing him. We both enjoyed the rest of the day together playing games and messing around with each other.

We need to come to the beach more often

Cameron Monaghan ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt