2. Babysitters

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Ian and I were given the great task of taking care of Yevgeny while Svetlana and Mickey were at work. Well not me, they asked Ian but he asked me to help him. We were at the Milkovich household making breakfast for the both of us while the baby was still sleeping.

When we finally sat down to eat, the baby started crying and screaming. "Ugh, I'll take him" said Ian and made his way to the baby's room. Soon after I hear him cooing the baby and comes out with him in his arms. "You're so good with him, I don't know why you asked me to help you" I said smiling.

"I think he just likes me and I wanted you here in case things go south" he said chuckling while softly bouncing him. He started to fuzz more, maybe he's hungry. "Give him to me, I'm gonna give him some milk, you can continue eating" I said and went to grab the baby from Ian.

I went and grabbed the milk bottle and warmed it up to the perfect temperature. I joined Ian at the table and positioned the baby so that he was laying in my lap while my left arm was holding his head. I started to give him the milk and he instantly calmed down.

He's so cute, I wanna shower him with kisses. After he finished the bottle, I burped him and gave him to Ian while I went to eat my food. He took the baby to the living room and started to play with him. After I finished, I took the plates to the sink and washed them.

I heard the baby giggling and cooing. I went to check on them and what I found was the cutest shit I've ever seen. Ian was making funny faces and doing silly voices while waving and maneuvering the stuffed toys. The baby was having the time of his life.

I stared at them for a couple of minutes, admiring the sight before me. I then decided to join in the fun. I walked towards them and grabbed one of the toys and started doing the same as Ian. The baby kept making sounds of joy while Ian and I were laughing at each other's antics.

We spent the rest of the day doing things to entertain the baby, we also had to change him a couple of times, not fun. When the baby finally got tired we put him to sleep in his crib. "Hey wanna watch a movie?" Asked Ian. "Sure" I replied.

We decided to watch Batman, the dark knight and we got halfway until we got bored. "Thanks for helping me with the baby today" said Ian. "It was no problem, Yevgeny is a sweetheart" I said back with a smile. "I'd probably would have had a break down if you weren't here to keep me company" he said laughing.

"Don't say that, you are incredible with that baby, hell you're better than I am" I said chuckling. "I just don't wanna mess up, especially with him" he said honestly. I stared at him for a bit until I decided to ask him something. "Do you wanna have kids Ian?" I asked curiously.

"Uh, not right now but when the time is right, yea I wanna have kids" he said sincerely. "And if I do have them, I don't ever wanna be like Frank. I'd rather die than do that to my own kid" he said firmly. "You have nothing to worry about Ian, you're already like a super mom with Yevgeny and his not even yours" I said confidently.

"You really think so?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Of course, you are gonna be the best dad to your kid, I have no doubt about it" I said with a smile. "Thank you, it means a lot, it calms my nerves" he said and took my hand in a grateful gesture.

"I can't wait for you to be a dad so that I can become auntie (Y N)" I said laughing. "Well, you're gonna have to wait for a long time cause if you didn't notice, I'm gay" he said laughing.

Then, the baby started crying

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