New kid and Delvin's Talk |1|

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Trigger Warning!!!Abuse/Language


I always thought high school would turn out horrible because of what my sister went through, found out to be I'm just a dork that turns in my work late and sleeps in class...well that's what everyone thinks I am but I know Ima just leave it alone, because I don't have time to care about others opinions. But I'm sitting here waiting in the cafeteria at 7am waiting for my two bestfriends.

"Did you do you homework!!", I hear Selena yell in the distance speed walking towards me.

"Oh shi-", I close my mouth shut knowing that Selena hates cursing.

"Sorry to interrupt lady's but I am now part of the conversation", Isaiah walks from behind Selena.

Isaiah is always like that he acts like a gentleman but really he's just always teasing me and Selena, I've known Isaiah and Selena since 8th grade and yet we made it through senior year. Just thinking about our friendship makes me happy, I smile, "well someone's happy", Isaiah looks at Selena concerned. We all talk for a bit waiting for the bell to ring, "Hey Sunshine", Delvin puts his hands on my shoulders while I'm sitting down, "Good morning", I smile gently and look up with my face facing his. Me and Delvin been dating for three years now, we had rough times but we ended up working though it together.

Isaiah rolls his eyes and gets up, "Oh look two more minutes until the bell", he looks up from his watch and gives sharp glares at Delvin, "oh my bad Isaiah I forgot I had football practice", Delvin pulls his shirt up with one hand pretending to wipe his mouth, "I'll make sure to win this game", Delvin points his abs out and smirks at me then smiles at Isaiah. He kisses me on the cheek and waves goodbye. "Wait so why are you with him?", Isaiah says angrily, Selena nudges her elbow on Isaiah and Isaiah looks away. The bell rings and me and Selena wave goodbye to Isaiah so we can head to class.

We get to class and sit in the back so we won't get called on, "Are you going to take a nap", I nod my head at Selena and lay my head on my arms on the desk. The Spanish teacher walks in and starts to introduce a new student. Not paying attention to the new student and the teacher's intro I close my eyes and drift to sleep.


"Who fucking did this??", a women looks at me,"did you do this??Did you fucking call CPS!?", she grabs my hair and drags me into her room. "Mom I didn't do this, I swear so please", "Do you know what happens when a shitty little brat doesn't listen?", she grabs a wooden bat."PLEASE NO I PROMISE ILL MAKE MOMMY HAPPY!!!", I struggle trying to escape her grip but she grabs harder, making me cry harder. Someone bursts into the room and grabs the bat when she tried swinging," Leave her ALONE she's barely ten", She looks at me with regret and slaps me then again and again. "Don't ever fucking do that again or I'll do worse".

I open my eyes slowly with tears streaming down my face, my hands were shaking, no my whole body was shaking with emotions, looking down focusing on what I dreamed of, an arm grabs my shoulder, I flinched hard while my body was shaking even more. "It's okay it's just the new kid", he turns me towards him and looks at me with worry, "sorry I was just startled", I faintly laughed and grabbed my stuff together, "looks like I skipped class so I have to go to the nurses", I tried making an excuse so he can leave me alone. "Your friend left saying she didn't want to wake you so I told the teacher I would wake you up, she will be back here after this period", he got up and helps me pick my stuff up. "Why were you crying? You were crying", I get frustrated at myself and ignore him, he grabs a tissue from the teachers desk and wipes my eyes, "It's okay don't tell me", He left the classroom leaving me all alone.

I walk my way out to the nurses office so I can just lay down to calm down because I was still shaking from when I woke up. Flashbacks hit me of the dream, I mumbled to myself, "forget it , forget them, forget the past". Tears started streaming down my eyes again, I started heavily breathing in and out, I stopped walking and stopped by this classroom that was always empty so I can calm my breathing. What the hell am I being stupid for? It was just a meaningless stupid dream. Pain started rising through my chest, I hugged myself, forget!FORGET!, I started to hyperventilate. I couldn't catch a breath I was suffocating, somebody came in the classroom and rushed towards me, I couldn't see who it was because my tears were in the way and my vision was getting blurry, they pick me up bridal style and speed walked to the nurses office. I was afraid to close my eyes, I didn't want to pass out or sleep so I squinted my eyes, "everything is going to be okay", he said while I tried to calm down.

A couple minutes later I'm laying down on a bed in the nurses room just staring at the roof wondering why this guy was still here with me. He breaks the silence first, "I was worried about you so I came to check for you here but she said you never came", he stopped talking and looked at me, I turned my head to him and stared back. "Your not okay", his word caught my attention so I turned my head and stared deeply into his eyes.

"Don't act like you know me", I get up and grab my stuff by the bed and head out in the hallway, I did expect him to come after me but he didn't so I headed into my next class.

-------End Of Chapter-----------

Thank you for reading!!! This will probably be the longest chapter on here....PROBABLY

I don't know if I'm going to slow Ahaha

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