7. Things Stolen

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It's raining again. Not nearly as harshly as it had weeks before, not nearly as cold, and Mina knows Dahyun has her sweatshirt, so there isn't anything to worry about.

Mina is not worried.

If she is worried, it is only because Mina has grown used to Dahyun's presence, the weekends seem desolate and dull, too quiet. It's hard to think that Mina has been spending all her free time alone for almost a year. It feels insubstantial now, unreal - like waking up from a dream. The world seems alive with Dahyun in it, brighter and real. Somehow Dahyun's strange introduction into Mina's world have changed it.

For one thing, she worries a hell of a lot more.

Sighing, Mina glances again at the clock.

What did Dahyun do all day, anyway? Why couldn't Mina have her all the time?

Mina got startled by the loud noise that led her to jump to her feet. Dahyun is ringing her doorbell.

Mina knows it's Dahyun because no one else rang a doorbell quite like Dahyun does. Which to say, holding down the button until the once friendly chimes were screeching wails of death and pain.

"You're early," Mina said as she swings the door open, trying hard to keep the grin off her face. She moves aside to usher Dahyun in, who is drenched from head to toe, her skin slick and bare except for a small tank top. "Where's your sweatshirt?" Mina asks with a frown.

"Away," Dahyun responds miserably. "Took it away."

Mina stops abruptly in her hustling, turning to see her friend and realizing that Dahyun does not look happy and carefree the way she usually does. Her eyes were too dull, her lips were pressed shut. Mina doesn't like it. "Someone took your sweatshirt? Really?"

Dahyun nods frantically and Mina notices her eyes were wide, shimmering in the dull hallway light, and oh God, please don't cry.

Dahyun bit her lip, scrunching her nose and making an odd little noise in the back of her throat.

"It's okay," Mina assures her anxiously, raising her hands uselessly into the air, unsure of what to do with them.

Dahyun shook her head, "My warmth. They took it away." She's biting her lip with slightly crooked teeth now, shoulders trembling faintly.

Mina swallows nervously.

Dahyun makes a sad little hitching noise.

"Don't cry!" Mina blurts out, waving her hands around pointlessly. Dahyun does not look convince, her lips trembling. "Please don't," Mina begs. "It's not a big of a deal. I'll get you another one, we'll go to the mall and I'll buy you one. A yellow one, okay? Any color you want. Just please, please don't cry." Mina never knows what to do when it comes to comforting people and she certainly doesn't know what to do with a crying Dahyun. She would buy Dahyun a whole new wardrobe to avoid having to see that.

"But Mina," Dahyun whines and Mina waits nervously for more but that seems to be the extent of Dahyun's protest. They stare at each other for a long moment, Mina at a complete loss, until Dahyun's lip stops trembling and she blinks away her tears.

"Yeah, you're gonna be fine, nothing to get upset about," Mina assures, letting her shoulders slump and taking a breath of relief when Dahyun begins to look calmer. "Who took your sweatshirt?"

Dahyun knitted her eyebrows together, as if the question requires a brainstorm. "He's not my friend," Dahyun finally came up with.

"Did Ray take it?" Mina asks with a suspicious frown, remembering Dahyun's statement weeks before, that Ray was using her jacket. "Is your roommate taking your things? Because-"

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