
On my drive home, I do my best to think of anything other than the look on Louis’ face as he asked me to meet him at his house before the party. It turns out to be nearly impossible as Look After You by The Fray starts blaring from the radio speakers. Immediately, I’m brought back to lunch, sitting in the cafeteria, as Louis very excitedly informed me that The Fray is one of his favorite bands.

How To Save A Life? Iconic.”

I can’t help the grin that rises on my face as I recall the memory.

Pulling into my driveway, it’s not even a minute later that I see a red sedan pull into the driveway beside me. Louis makes a funny face as soon as we make eye contact. I’m grateful he can’t hear the loud laugh that fills my car before I slap my hand over my mouth.

As I step out, I send him a wave and head up the steps to my house. Stepping inside and closing the door I hear a faint “I better see your ass at my house later, curly,” come from the other side.

In the kitchen I drop my bag to the counter and head toward the fridge. 

“What’s got you all smiley?” I hear from the living room. Turning to find Robin, I shake my head, trying to wipe the smile from my face, but each time I try, it just comes right back.

“Oh nothing, nothing.”

He sets down the newspaper he’s been reading, surely looking for a construction site in need of help. He’s spent the last few days making sure the move has gone swiftly, and Mum had everything she needed at work. Last night at dinner he announced he is ready to find a position. 

“Any luck?”

“Not quite yet, but don’t you worry, I’ll find something soon enough. By the way, that Claire of yours left another message. You should call her.”

Throwing my head back, I rub my hand over my face. It’s not that I’m avoiding my girlfriend, I called her yesterday. But it seems the move has been difficult on her, making her, if possible, even more clingy.

“I’ll head up to call her now.”

“Not until after homework,” he calls as I head up the stairs.

After a quick hour of finishing worksheets, I dig my phone out of my school back and open the call app. Seeing my best mates name at the top, I decide to give Niall a quick call before I dial Claire’s number. 
I glance at the clock and do some quick math. It’s pretty late in Cheshire so I’m not surprised when the dial tone chirps a few times with no answer. Infact, my finger hovers over the ‘End Call’ button as I finally hear his voice.

“Hel- Hello?” he says, oddly out of breath for this time of night.

“Hey mate! What’d you do? Run a marathon to get to the phone?”

“Something like that.” There’s an edge to his voice that I can’t quite place.
It’s then that I hear something muffled in the background. A woman’s voice comes through but I can’t quite make out what she’s saying. Suddenly, a heat rises in my face as I understand just what exactly I’m interrupting.

Niall hushes his guest as I let out an uncomfortable laugh. I apologize hastily for calling at such a bad time and let him know I’ll call him back some other day, quickly ending the call.

For as long as I’ve known him, Niall has never been the type to sleep around. Infact, he’s only ever been with one girl, his ex, Daphne, who later cheated on him with her class tutor. It did not end well.
Shaking my head, trying to distract myself from the idea of those two getting back together, I dial the familiar number I've memorized since freshman year, when I first started having feelings for Claire, and thought knowing her number by heart may impress her.

WIthout even a ring, Claire's voice fills my ear as her answering machine picks up.
“Claire, Claire, Claire. What have I said about charging your phone? You’re probably asleep anyway so I’ll call you in the morning. Sleep well, Love.”
There’s still an hour or two before I’m expected at Louis before the party, so I work on getting the rest of the boxes in my room unpacked. 

Making a path through the cardboard, I head towards the window opposite my bed. Pushing open the blue curtains, I find the blinds covered in dust which is quick to surround my room as soon as I open them. The particles in the air cause me to nearly cough up a lung. 

Once I can finally breathe again, looking out the window it’s clearer now just how close the next house over is. Louis’ house.
In fact, my view is directly into his bedroom. I recognize the red paint and band posters. His dormer window is maybe three yards from mine. The roof lines are nearly touching; it would be easy enough to simply walk to his room.

Kiss Me Goodnight (L.S.)Where stories live. Discover now