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Nobody P.O.V.

The star sanses slowly wake up, One by one, in what seems to be a dark empty room. Nightmare steps out of the darkness.

 "Finally awake, I see."

 The other bad sanses step out from behind him.

After seeing dust, Ink screams "YOU!" and desperately tries to escape from the ropes binding him to the chair.

 "Now,  now let's not get ahead of ourselves." Nightmare says slyly. "I simply brought you here to propose a deal."

 "I'm listening." Ink replies.

 Ink P.O.V

"I'm listening." I answer.

 Even though I don't trust him, a good leader knows not to pass up an opportunity before he hears it. Besides, Blue looks pretty badly injured and needs to tend to his wounds as soon as possible. They must have put some sort of magic restraints on us, since my magic doesn't seem to be working.

 "A simple trade. We go agree to the truce you've been trying to get us to agree to, letting you all go on your merry ways."

 "And in return?"

 "One of your team."

 "What!?!" I scream. He can't be serious!

 "Or, of course, we could always just kill you."

 I freeze. There didn't seem to be a way out of this decision. Finally, I decided. 


 "I'll go." Blue croaks.

Dream and I both look over in shock.

 "Good. We have a volenteer." Nightmare says with a sneer, and begins to reach over to Blue with a tentacle.

 "You can't do that!"

 Dream continues staring, slack-jawed.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Dust sneers.

"I'll- I'll-" I stutter, tears in my eyes. They can't take blue! They can't!

"I'll be fine!" Blue says dryly, giving his most reassuring smile. He is obviously in pain.

"We'll see about that." Killer snickers, before teleporting us into a random au.

Dustberry (Not really sure what else to call this)Where stories live. Discover now