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"this restaurant is way too fancy for us," ryan said upon entering the building.

"yeah," shane agreed

the restaurant surrounding them was laden with chandeliers, expensive looking decor and rugs, fancy tables, and sharply dressed servers. the outside looked surprisingly unassuming.

"i feel like i should have worn a suit," ryan said, glancing down at his black long-sleeved shirt and light-colored jeans. he glanced up at shane, who was wearing a mustard colored turtleneck, black jeans, and, ryan realized, a cross necklace.

"what's with the necklace?" he asked shane.

"it's actually a tiny vial full of holy water," shane answered seriously.

"really?" ryan asked, eyes wide.

"no. it's just a necklace. just wanted to try it out, you know, take it for a test run."

at this moment, a server approached ryan and shane, paying very little attention to their outfits as she led them to a table. they ordered drinks, and she went to get them.

"so, about holy water... does it, like, burn you?" ryan asked.

"no, ry, it's water," shane said, laughing. "but you're adorable."

ryan smiled a little. he glanced around at his surroundings at then back at shane, who was scrolling on his phone and glancing back up at ryan every now and then. it was weird; as awkward as this date should probably be, ryan found it to be nice. pleasant. something he would dream about but would never actually happen.

"whatcha thinking about?" asked shane, setting his phone to the side.


shane seemed to redden just a little. "oh really? what about me?"

"you... i don't know. you."

shane smiled brightly. "well all right then."

the server returned, two drinks in hand. ryan and shane ordered their food, and she left again.

ryan gazed up at shane again. "there are so many other demon questions i have for you, but i don't even know how to start."

"how about rapid fire mode?" shane responded.

"i can ask... anything?" ryan said carefully.

"anything at all. i'm an open book," shane replied.

ryan smiled. "hmmm... what was up with the sallie house?"

"demons for sure. but young, stupid ones. i was tired of dealing with them."

"more than one?"


ryan's eyes grew wide. he composed himself and thought of the next question. "is the spirit box real?"


"ouija boards?"

"real. some spirits will interact with them as a joke, but most just think they're stupid."

ryan laughed a little at imagining this. his voice grew quieter, however, as he was about to ask the next question. "satan?"


ryan sighed, relieved.

"come on ry, make it interesting."

ryan thought for a second, then laughed.

"virgin?" he asked shane.

shane, visibly taken aback, laughed with him. "not really."

"what the fuck does that mean?" ryan said, laughing harder.

"okay, question time over." shane said. "some things are better left a mystery."

the food was nice, the atmosphere was nice, and walking outside to a cool breeze was nice. everything was nice. tonight was one of the best nights ryan has ever had.

as the elevator rose to ryan's apartment, he felt his heartbeat rise with it. when the door opened, he gasped, moving closer to shane.

the groaning noise could be heard from outside his apartment now. it was quiet, but audible, and surrounded them in the hallway. ryan glanced up at shane to gauge his reaction; he found the man's face to be unreadable.

shane led ryan to the apartment with a hand comfortingly on his back and ryan inserted the key into the lock with a shaky hand.

after mentally counting down from three, ryan swung open the door, and screamed.

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