Chapter 1: Alois returns

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Okay Natalie here I might of made an account and Im reposting this so if you have read this don't get shocked or tell me Im copying someone! I have up to 8 chapters writen but I want to know if you guys want more sooooooooooooooooooooooooo tell me please~

~From Alois’ point of view~

I see him every night the, now, man I love he grew up even though he’s half demon.  I watch him, he’s all alone now.  It’s 2014 and he’s at Elizabeth’s grave at the moment I could see him through the ruby ring he wears on his finger, hell knows why, he hates me.
Ciel is talking to Elizabeth’s grave, “Hello dear. I miss you a lot ever since your death I’ve been lonelier than ever. Yes I realize I have Sebastian but I still feel alone…”
I think out loud in the room I’m stuck in pacing, “He’s alone? Really, someone like him who hates everyone is alone. If he wants to stop being alone just start being social.”
 Ciel keeps speaking to Elizabeth, “I know what you’re thinking from heaven… ‘Why am I alone?’ Well you see…” he plays with the ring, “I feel someone’s missing, you are one of them, but we lived a happy life someone else someone to compete with…” says in a whisper, “someone like Trancy…”
I blush some from the mention of my name, thinking…he misses me? Why me? All I did is fail and harmed the one I love.
Sebastian walks to Ciel and rubs his back saying in his calm voice, “Sir we should get going home you have school tomorrow.” Ciel stands and walks with Sebastian to the limo and slides in the back Sebastian driving home.
I scream loud, “I NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE DAMN IT!” All of asudden I turninto a fog and I’m outside at my manor. I’m back! I look at my new body seeing I got taller and I got more muscular as well. I smirk saying out loud, “I look hot, nice but I need to enroll to the school!” I rush inside and I notice someone was here to improve the house there are computers and televisions and many other things. “Did Ciel do this? He probably did.” I rush to the purple and green laptop and chuckle as I look up the school…he knows me to well.

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