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Raymond's heart was beating pretty fast when he was at the elevator with Alice. His eyes were staring at the changing floor numbers in red neon light above the metal door. They were at the fourth floor and almost time for Alice to leave. He had been avoiding her after yesterday's incident. He didn't know what got into him. He's very sure that she's angry with him for kissing her. He's afraid of facing her wrath.

When Alice said  "Goodbye. I will meet you in your room later", his heart kept beating madly. When he turned and saw her, he saw how deeply in trouble he is. He has a dangerous virus stuck in his heart. And the virus attacks slowly infecting the host without the host even realizing what's going on until its completely infected. This virus fight off your defenses with all it might, making sure to render you helpless. And that virus is 'Love virus'. "What is this small girl doing to me? I have never been like this before. I'm going crazy and its all because of her".


Alice couldn't believe how fast time runs. She took a shower and wore a White jeans which clung to her perfect curves, pairing it with a pink crop top. She's now sitting on a chair and leaned her elbow on her bed as she rested her chin in her hand. Her life seems hilarious to her. After all she had gone through, she's putting her heart on the line again? What if she gets hurt again? And what if Raymond realized how fucked up her life is and decided he doesn't want her anymore? Besides he's showing his true colours. And now she had spent a month and a half in Nigeria already. She feels more comfortable and satisfied with her life here, but one thing she can't deny is how much she's missing her father. He was her soldier and her Knight. He had always been there to comfort her when she feels conflicted and he had made sure she lacks nothing. But still, she can't shake the thought of betrayal that keeps ripping into her fragile heart. Even though she knows she shouldn't miss him, he doesn't deserve her thoughts lingering on him. He betrayed her. He failed her woefully. But she can't help it. She miss him so much. The memories she has with him are so precious and dear to her heart. She quickly jumped on her feet. She had promised to go see Raymond after his tutorial with Mr. Stevie.

She strides to his apartment on the fourth floor while tying her silky, long hair in a loose bun. She had been knocking and pressing the door bell now for the umpteenth time but there was no response. She opened the door and walked in. She searched for him but to no avail. Raymond's bookshelf caught her attention. There were a lot of books. She strides to the bookshelf going through the books. There were educational books and a lot of novels. When she saw a series of magnus chase, she couldn't help but smile. That feeling she gets when she sees Greek mythology books is just incomparable to anything she can remember. Greek mythology has always been her thing. When Raymond comes back, she will ask him to lend her some books. She's excited. The smell of books and the feeling of holding and flipping new books makes her want to drown herself in reading all the books hanging on the bookshelf at once. If she could read all the juicy novels in the world? She would gladly do that without regretting anything in this small world. Her eyes caught a glimpse of some envelopes arranged on an almost empty shelve. She wanted to continue exploring the books but her mind was also curious. What is inside these envelopes? They are twenty or twenty five? She opened them one by one, reading each one of them. A sour look on her face. They are love leathers written to Raymond. Does he have a girlfriend? Oh! She knew he said all those words to her in a state of vulnerability. He wants to break her already broken heart to shreds. He thinks she's weak. But why does he have to lie to her? He thought he could deceive her and get away with it? God! She's gonna pay him back for this.

A male voice adjusted his voice. "That book is really interesting. I could lend it to you if you want", the voice spoke softly and startling her. The moment she heard it she knew who it was.

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