Start from the beginning

Before Monica could lecture her anymore Richard's friend finally peeled his eyes away from Veronica. "She's right."

Veronica's gaze snapped towards him as he gave her a small smile. Veronica paused, just then realizing how good looking he was before she smiled back.

"See," She smirked at Monica.

Richard smiled softly when he noticed his best friend couldn't stop staring at the outspoken brunette. "Uh, girls, this is my best friend, Max Jones."

"Veronica," She smiled as she held her hand out to him.

"Pleasure to meet you," He spoke, his voice husky as he smiled at her.

Monica and Richard shared a look as the two continued to stare at each other.

Veronica cleared her throat and smiled charmingly. "So, she's still the bitch if I called her that to her face, right?"

"Ronnie!" Monica gasped in horror as her eyes widened.

She just laughed and shrugged carelessly. Max was quick to join her as he watched her fondly, it had been a long time since he'd met someone like Veronica. And he was loving every minute of it.

"I am so sorry for her," Monica apologized to Richard.

"Hey, that's not the worst thing I could have said," She rolled her eyes, "I mean, you wouldn't believe the things I haven't said tonight."

"Well, she's not wrong," Monica sighed, "Look, will you just take these out to the guests, please. And try not to call anyone else a bitch."

"But I don't wanna go," She whined, "They're all boring and have zero fashion sense."

"I'll come with you," Max offered as he walked over to her.

She smiled coyly at him as she played with her hair. "Oh, and you think you'll be entertaining enough for me?"

"I can only hope," He smirked at her

"Remember no calling anyone a bitch."

"Don't worry, Monica," She promised her before muttering under her breath, "If I see Ms. Davis again I'm calling her something so much worse than a bitch."

Max chuckled and nudged her gently as she gave him a dazzling smile.

Veronica had been quick to just set the plate of salmon roulettes on the coffee table so she could focus her attention on Max. The two had been talking and laughing for a while before a certain bitch made her way over to them.

"Max," She grinned as she pulled him into a hug, "I have been looking all over for you."

He stiffly returned the hug before quickly pulling away and returning to his spot by Veronica's side.

"Oh, I see you've become acquainted with the waitress," She cast Veronica a look of disdain, "You would not believe the audacity on this one. You just cannot find good help these days, she was so rude and-"

"She is standing right here and while you're at that age where hearing aids are a must she can hear you very clearly," Veronica snapped with a pointed glare, "And I'll have you know people tell me I'm a delight."

Max had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the hearing aid joke.

"Don't believe everything people tell you, sweetheart," Ms. Davis sneered at her.

"Oh, like when they tell you you look good for your age?" Veronica asked 'innocently' with a sickly sweet smile.

Max choked on the beer he'd been drinking as he tried to stifle his laugh. His hand found the middle of her back as he smiled down at her. "Veronica, would you show me where the hummus is."

Golden Days︱𝐉𝐎𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐈Where stories live. Discover now