|9. How is my name?|

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He heard her breathing very deep and her silent sobs echoed loudly in his ear in the silent environment. He felt the fragrance of her long open hairs when it flew on his face. He closed his eyes feeling her closeness, both of her hands that were holding him tightly. He felt her so much fragile and soft, he moved her hairs from his face and caressed it feeling the softness of her hairs and just when his other hand was about to wrap her to hug her, his mind finally started working as he immediately caught her shoulders and pushed her lightly from him. 

She was still looking at him with moist innocent eyes. The brave Princess Swara Mithra had so many shades! "I am fine! I just went to drink water!" he whispered making her gulp her own tears as she looked down. She just hugged him! Her red teary eyes softened with heat engulfing her and making her shiver that resulted in the redness of her cheeks. 

She was blushing, "we should reach there fast!" she nodded to him still looking down and then ran near the lake and bent down. She took a handful of water and smashed it on her face. What she had just done? A curvy smile occupied her lips, she kept washing her face wiping her tears, the redness never leaving her cheeks and her beautiful smile fixed on her lips. She looked at her own reflection in the water. What has happened to her? She stood up and turned still smiling. 

Her smile faded away seeing Sanskar untying his horse getting ready to go back. His expression was unreadable making her angry on herself. It really didn't affect him in anyway then why was she this much happy? 

Brushing away her thoughts, she took all her things, they both went back with silence. Her mind was filled with the thoughts of their hug, her hug. He didn't hug her. 

She looked at him, he was just riding his horse keeping a cold face. Why? Why it was not affecting him? why was she this much happy? "Are you angry at me?" she whispered but saw him just looking at front paying no attention to her words as if he didn't hear her or maybe her voice was a bare whisper that it went inaudible to him...

Yesterday he decided that he will live this mirage of happiness filled life as long as it lasts. But whenever he lives it, at the very next moment only guilt engulfs him, the reality keeps haunting him that he doesn't deserve this, he doesn't even have right to stand near a Princess but today! 

He continued to wipe his tears before they could come out of his eyes. It was so difficult for him to keep an expressionless and a cold face, he knew that she was staring at him but he kept riding his horse. This journey seemed to be the longest journey with their silence and her heated gaze on him. When will they reach their destination? "Are you angry at me?" he heard her soft whisper. 

Who was he to get angry on her? Her fragrance was still left imprinted on his clothes, his eyes gets moist with the usual fear engulfing him. and before he could wipe his tears and look at her, she was concentrating in front of her. He smiled sadly, he got late to prepare himself to answer her. He again started riding his horse, because he really didn't wanted any conversation right now. Their journey continued and indeed it proved to be their longest journey with the silence and confusions...


Princess Swara came out of her tent freshly wetting her hair. She smiled looking at the bright morning sun, so she was a one more step ahead to the sword of power! She looked at Sanskar's tent and frowned. They both are going to be in this uncomfortable silence again. She hated it...

Sanskar was just pacing inside his tent keeping his hand on his forehead. What should he do now? He had no idea, he was so much confused, he felt like he was a mad and he badly wanted to really disappear somewhere.. where no one can find him. and then suddenly the cloth of his tent was pushed back and someone stood at the entrance looking at him angrily. 

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