This didn't go unnoticed by Idris. He watched her every move carefully as if he feared that she would faint once again. Not that that was far from the truth...

"My clothes are soaked."

She commented, pointing towards her black t-shirt with the NASA logo attached to her left sleeve. While she was trying to dry her hair, untangling and brushing it with her hands, Idris seemed to have understood that she needed something to warm her. Either that or he'd seen the way she was shaking like a yellow leaf ready to fall off a tree.

He disappeared in the nearby trees for a few short minutes, only to come back with a pile of wooden sticks in his hands. He seemed to be trying to light a fire but she wondered how he was going to do it without a lighter or any matches. Alright, maybe there were several other ways of lighting one, but she didn't see any of it around.

Idris, on the other hand, seemed to have it all figured out. After arranging the sticks, he stood up and began to look around the grass as if he had lost something.

Within a few minutes of searching, he found what he was looking for. Quinn cracked a laugh when she saw him kneeling on the ground on all four first and then laid on his stomach and wiggled like a snake.

"You are so weird."

She snorted another laugh when Idris finally caught the little lizard-like creature, that he had been following. At first, she thought that Idris was seeking dinner for them, although she doubted that that little thing would be enough for her only. But then he started to squeeze the tail of the lizard pointing with its mouth towards the wooden sticks. 

"What is it with this planet and its fire-blasting creatures?"

She shook her head amazed how after squeezing his tail, the little lizard breathed out a few weak flames, but quite enough to light their fire.  

After using the lizard, Idris let the creature out of his large hands and watched it disappear through the grassy field.

The fire ignited soon and Quinn leaned closer to it in seek of warmth. She sighed when she felt the flames caressing her skin and slowly luring her into slumber. It must have been because of the exhaustion and the hunger, that she fell into dreamless darkness as soon as she closed her eyes. The last thing she felt was Idris sitting down beside her but she was too tired to acknowledge his presence.

The next time she opened her eyes, the sun had said its goodbyes to the day and gave up his throne to the moon. She must have been out for a few hours because when she woke up the outside darkness had swallowed her. The next thing she noticed was the lack of Idris's presence beside her.

"He, better be gone to the toilet."

She muttered under her breath, hoping that he hadn't left her all alone. She looked left and right, but the light of the fire only gave her a few feet of view ahead of her, and Idris was nowhere near that radius.

Having nothing else to do, she watched the flames dancing in the darkness and patiently waited for him. Her clothes were still partly wet, even though she had been sitting beside the fire. Her shirt and pants were sticking on her like a second skin.

She thought of undressing but didn't know when Idris was going to come back, and giving him a free stripping was not in her day plan. 

Speaking of day-plans, this whole ride through space became an unexpected life-threatening journey. She couldn't believe that only a day and a half had passed since the last time she walked into her lab. With everything that had happened, it felt as if it was a lifetime ago.

Lost in her thoughts, Quinn didn't realize that Idris had returned. She only noticed him when he laid a handful of green-colored berries in her lap.


She mumbled when her stomach roared in gratitude as well and began to munch on the fruits. They were a little soar for her taste, but beggars can't be choosers, so she tried not to grimace while eating. The berries disappeared within a minute. She had been too hungry to stop and see if her stomach would digest them. But judging by the fact that Idris chewed a few himself, she assumed that they were eatable.

Quinn hadn't noticed that Idris brought another thing with him as well. The green leaves in his hands were enormous. He started to arrange and braid them in a particular way, showing that he knew what he was doing.

First, his work looked like a large bowl, then when he started to attach some leafy strings it began to look like a basket.

"What is it?"

She asked even though she was quite sure that Idris wasn't going to answer her. He, only lifted his eyes at the sound of her voice, to meet hers but quickly returned to his job.

Fascinated by the artwork he made, Quinn took her time to admire his hands. He owned wide palms and long fingers which would come in handy in ... many situations.

Idris returned her thoughts back to reality before her mind could dive into sinning waters when he tugged on her shirt. Before she could realize what was happening, Idris started to lift it and revealed her belly. 

"What do you think you are doing?"

She half screamed and crawled away from his hands, thinking that he was planning on undressing her against her will. 

Opposite of her thinking, Idris bounced back at the sound of her frantic voice. Shocked because of her screams, carefully he lifted the work he had been doing for the past hour. His crafting now looked like some sort of a skirt. He quickly gave it to her and after nodding with his head a little, he turned his back on her. 

Quinn confused at first, now wanted to laugh at the situation. Idris had made a skirt for her, so she didn't have to stay in her wet clothes, but she went and assumed the worst about him. On top of all, now he was even giving her privacy while she changed.

Chuckling how frightened he was when she screamed, she began to undress. The situation was becoming more and more ridiculous by the second, with him only wearing a rag around his hips and now her sporting a leafy skirt.

Adam and Eve 2.0, here we go...

N O T E:

I'm loving this story a little too much! Do you like it? Do you feel like it's going slow? Let me know your thoughts. 


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