Ch. 17

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There were two things Stiles was sure of at this point in his life: he was done being stubborn since his world would continue to take twists and turns on it's own, and his stock room made for the perfect place to hide and make out.

"De-rek" Stiles broke away from their kiss and was making another facile attempt at stopping Derek from shooting his tongue back into his throat or sucking another mark onto Stiles' porcelain chest. Stiles was currently perched on a cold metal table that held his stacks of frosting cases and decorative toppings. His button up was undone as Derek ran his hands all across his body. Said man was loosing articles of clothing by the minute, his blazer thrown askew to the other side of the confined space, and Stiles was slowly working on getting his belt undone.

"Mmhm" Derek moaned back. It seems as though their night together was all the two needed to crack open the door to the next stage in their relationship. It was only two nights ago but since then the two had yet to anything but touch each other.

Electricity. There was no other way Stiles would think to describe the feeling of being touched by his man. Electricity, and something else, but he was fine not knowing just what yet. However, he was not fine with how hot and heavy things were getting in his bakery "It's going to take you twenty minutes to get back to your site" Stiles tried, but didn't stop the act of craning his neck to give his boyfriend more of a canvas.

Derek stepped back, looking Stiles' debauched body over and biting his lip as he did. Stiles knew Derek wasn't a virgin, so he had yet to figure out how he held himself back for long "I just want to stay here. Maybe we should both take the rest of the day off"

"No no no way. I am very very happy an-and grateful that things between us have reached this point, but I have been majorly slacking. Plus I have so much going on this week" He stood and began buttoning his shirt, making a little attempt to fix his and Derek's hair.

"What's up babe? Orders backed up?" Derek asked as the two emerged from the small closet, happy there was no one in sight.

"No um--" Stiles scratched at his head, he wasn't trying to keep his big news from Derek, he just didn't want to jinx anything "--I actually got an offer to open up a second location. I have to go to the bank to sign papers and today I am making sure the location is set"

"Wait! What? Why didn't you tell me?" he rushed forward, locking his large arms around Stiles' thin frame.

"Well we were with your family I thought I'd wait until we got home, but then I didn't want to jinx it" Stiles smiled shyly as he hugged Derek right back.

8. Stiles' accomplishments were his, and vice versa

Abruptly he pulled back, searching for Stiles eyes "I-I want to take you out to dinner"

"Der you don't ha-"

"Baby this is a great thing, something to be celebrated" Something Stiles had figured out long ago was that he could melt at any nickname Derek gave him, it seemed inevitable.

Stiles' cheeks turned red, and he gave in patting against Derek's rock hard chest "Okay. Only if you get back to work on time"

A chuckle escaped him and he nodded in agreeance. It was decided Derek would leave, so he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend goodbye, but before their lips could get close to touching their heads had snapped to the front of the store. Both men had been drawn to the sound of the security bell dinging above the door. Stiles had only been open a few minutes but it looked as the though the baker was going to be put to work quickly.

"That's my que" Stiles admitted sadly. He pulled himself from Derek's embrace to head to the front of the store. But to his surprise there was no customer waiting for him. Standing there, sans uniform, Noah Stilinski was there in the flesh "Dad?"

The hearty chuckle he had only heard through face time for the last seven months was now being heard in person "Stiles--Well don't just stand there, come give me a hug" he said excitedly, obviously grateful to see his only child.

"Wha-What are you doing here? I thought I wasn't going to see you until Christmas" Stiles tripped over his words as he did what he was told and bounded over to hug his father.

"I actually thought I'd surprise you early, I was coming into town for Scotts wedding anyways. We haven't seen each other and I was missing my son. I didn't think it'd be a problem"

"No dad it's not, of course it's not I was just taken by surprise-" and the surprises continued to come as Derek walked out from the kitchen grabbing both of their attentions. Stiles was smart, he knew he couldn't play it off and say Derek was just another customer especially since he just emerged from the opening that proudly displayed the "Employees Only" sign. Not to mention the fact that Derek was quickly trying to redo the top three buttons of his shirt making the two look that much more suspicious.

Stiles didn't want to hide Derek, he was proud of their relationship and how far they had come. But Noah Stilinski could be an unforgiving man at times, especially when it came to his son. So Stiles was sure that as soon as he found out who the man before him was, the image of Stiles crying and suffering over his soul words would flash through his father's mind, and he'd never want Derek around again.

Instead of dropping his smile, Noah seemed to tightened it as he looked Derek up and down "I'm sorry Sti, I didn't know you had company. I'm Noah, and you are?"

"Um...D-Derek. Derek Hale"

"Ohh. I see" He hummed, darting his eyes between the two men "Well, it's nice to meet you" Stiles watched his father's jawline become rigid as he thrusted his large hand forward for Derek to take.

"You as well sir. Will you be in town long?"

"That's the plan" Stiles' cheeks burned as he watched his fathers gaze never leave Derek "I'm sorry, was I interrupting something?"

"No!" both men shouted, not wanting to admit they were just going at it like two teenagers in the back room.

"Derek was just visiting me for lunch dad"

He nodded his head as if to say "I see" with his eyes still on Derek. Stiles watched closely as he watched his boyfriend slowly try not to fall apart under the sheriffs intense gaze "So, Derek, what do you do for living?"

"I'm I-in um...building--construction. That is what I do, construction. Construction...that is my uh—my job. I'm at a site about twenty minutes away"

"Impressive. Not an easy job" the man hummed, before finally turning back to his son "Well, I just wanted to stop by. I was gonna find a hotel and sight see until you were off. I thought we could get dinner?"

Derek had yet to move, clearly stuck where he stood. Meanwhile Stiles sighed, pulling his key ring from his pocket "Dad, you know you don't have to stay in a hotel. Here take my house key"

He didn't put up much fight as he accepted the object. Stiles tried not to let his worry show too much as his father once again turned his attention back onto Derek "So, can we expect you at dinner tonight?"

"Yes sir" Derek answered without a second thought. Then, after another hug, Stiles' father was emerging the shop leaving the two men alone once again.

For the next few moments Stiles watched as Derek stood there and stared at the closed the entry door "I'm going to die aren't I?"

"C'mon, it's not going to be that bad" Stiles tried to chuckle, neglecting the plea in his head "Please don't let it be that bad"

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