Ch. 21

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For a long while, the only thing he really remembers is darkness. He knows he isn't in the fire anymore, it's cold wherever he is, really cold. And the scorched tiled floor that was previously under his back had been replaced by a blanketed mattress. His body was slowly remembering how to move, slowly remembering only fragments of things. Every sensation that hit him came like a sensory overload, until he could finally feel his throat again. His throat which was packed full, a tube or something, he couldn't tell. Open your eyes dammit but the darkness persisted.

Alas Stiles felt as though he had to shout at his arms to get them to move and they went flying up to the foreign object in his throat. He had to get it out, there was a rising anxiety and suddenly he could hear beeping all throughout the room. Beeping and his strained coughing. He had never heard that noise come from him, it was gurgling and dry all at the same time but he pulled and tugged anyway.

Then, like a ray of light being shone into his body, whiskey brown eyes were flying open. He was in a hospital room that soon became far from empty. Stampeding against the tiled floor a heard of doctors and nurses came pushing past the door muttering things he didn't understand. He caught a glimpse of Scott's concerned face before the door switch closed, and there were hands on him trying to pry his own from the equipment in his throat.

"Mr. Stilinski! Mr. Stilinski! I need you to calm down" He hadn't realized he was thrashing until there were hands on his arms. A bright light was shining back and forth in his eyes making him wish he had kept them closed. His muscles ached whenever he tried to fight against the restraints so it was a fight he quickly abandoned "Sir! Stiles! We can take the tubes out, I just need you to calm down" Since he knew his words would fail, heavy breaths escaped his flailed nostrils as he answered in a nod. The machine beside his bed had been beeping out of control and he only wished they'd turn it off, but he could feel his rapid heart beat, which the monitor mimicked, wasn't calming down soon so the persistent annoyance was there to stay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

A full hour later and he was alone in his room once again, with the exception of  Scott. Scott who was sitting on the edge of his chair, as if he were waiting for Stiles to pass out or die. Instead, the young man tried to speak, but his voice was burnt out, raspy and barely audible. He tried to talk to his friend regardless of the fact "The shop repairs are going to drown me" he'd never heard himself sound so hoarse, he wasn't sure if Scott had even made out what he had said.

"You were just pulled from a fire and you're concerned about repairs"

"It is my life's work" he whispered again. His mouth was still dry, running his tongue down the roof of his mouth felt like licking burnt sand paper, and he wondered how long that might last.

Scott just smacked his lips, finally relaxing into his chair as if he decided not to take Stiles seriously "Your boyfriend's in construction he can help. Speaking of which what did he say?"

There was an attempts to sit up but just the act of lifting his heavy arms was draining "What do you mean?"

"About the fire?" Scott asked, like he didn't think he had to explain the question any further.

"You didn't call him?"

"Me?" Scott all but shouted, his puppy dog eyes flashing wide.

Stiles could only throw his head back against the numerous pillows tucked underneath his head "I'm sorry, I vaguely remember being a little preoccupied. You know, passed out for the last two days, having tubes shoved down my throat and what not"

"This is ridiculous I'm going to tell him-" Scott was digging into his pocket, presumably for his phone when the entrance to the room was thrown open and Derek was standing there looking like the epitome of worry. His hair was disheveled, and his closed were barely put together. The button up he wore was wrinkled, while his tie was crooked and inches away from falling from around his neck. The sudden scuffle had Scott quickly to his feet "Never mind I think he knows"

"Isaac called me, I got on the first flight I could"

It only took a second to capture the look in Derek's eyes and Scott began to scratch at the back of his head "I'm going to go join your dad in the cafeteria"

The door clicked closed and that was the last sound to be made for a while. The way Derek crept towards the bed left Stiles at a loss. He couldn't tell if he was going to yell or comfort him. But with every passing second he just wanted anything to happen, the rising tension had his heart monitor spiking and he was sure his previous welcoming committee would be racing down the hall again.

His voice was soft as he brought his hand up to to slowly squeeze Stiles foot over the blanket "I...I don't know what to say. I was so worried, m-my heart...I was so scared" The only other time Stiles had seen Derek cry was the night he found out who he was. It was dark then and the tears never left the brim of his eyes but standing in the hospital light he could better see the way his hazel eyes sparkled only were more bloodshot than he'd like.

"Der I'm fine. The doctors said I could make a full recovery in a few more days"

Managing a smile Stiles made a grabby hand for Derek encouraging him to come closer. He just needed the man by his side "Why didn't you call me?"

"Does no one understand what smoke inhalation means?"

Derek still hadn't moved. It was like he was too afraid to even touch his boyfriend. Stiles continued to try anyways, he beckoned for the mans company once more "You're right, you're right. I'm sorry, I just--god I was so worried" Derek sighed heavily. Finally his shoulders fell, as a loud sigh seeped past his lips. Stiles watched idly waiting and waiting and waiting for Derek's next move. There were only a few steps for him to take before he was right at Stiles' side. He ran his fingers through Stiles' hair, his furrowed brow and sharp eyes still locked on Stiles and the bruises that painted him.

"No I'm sorry. For not getting that stupid oven replaced, and for the way I was acting the last time we spoke"

Derek asked a question with a short chuckle showing that he had began to loosen up "Yeah, what was that about?"

Stiles' mind came to a stand still. He hadn't planned on confessing this early, he was just trying to make conversation. But now Derek was before him and expecting an answer. Nothing like a  near death experience to make a guy want to grow up "I was getting a little antsy with you being gone. I was missing you and feeling insecure, and...well...I thought you might be cheating on me" Derek's chuckle morphed into a sort of cynical laugh as he scratched at his head "Well, glad to see I amuse you"

Finally, Derek had been close enough to plop down in the spot right at Stiles' side. Stiles was close enough he could see his chest hair peaking out from under his disheveled button up "You can be so stupid sometimes you know that"

"Wow thanks"

"-but I guess it's why I love you" the admission came out as if it were nothing.

"Y-You love me?"

"Yeah. I do. And I'm not ashamed or embarrassed or going to take it back if you don't feel the same right now. Too much has happened for me to keep waiting for the 'right time' to say this. I just think it's time you know and time I stop holding back" Stiles was happy to be awake. Happy to have this man, he pulled him down and kissed him for the first time in weeks. He wasn't sure if it was good to be this breathless in his current state but he didn't care. The two enveloped each other holding on as their kiss continued to deepen with every second. Derek was the first to pull away, stopping inches from Stiles' face as he bored his eyes right into his boyfriend's "I could never cheat on you. I didn't think I'd ever have to tell you that but there it is. Don't let that thought even cross your mind again"

"I'm sorry" Stiles whispered. His head was bowed that he hadn't even noticed Derek sliding his body down beside his own to get comfortable in the hospital bed "I love you too" Stiles whispered into the quiet room.

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