Ch. 11

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Stiles unknowingly paced in the freshly watered grass as a dripping cold cup of lemonade sat tight in his hand. It had been two months to the day since Derek found out Stiles was his soulmate. Since then their relationship had consisted of one demure kiss and an accidental cuddling session. But still, Stiles couldn't help but want more, he supposed it was normal. The simple truth was that Derek was around for the long haul and Stiles was actually happy about that. And yet he still couldn't bring himself to relieve the ever growing awkwardness between the two.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood prominently, telling him there was someone behind him. From the corner of his eye he caught sight of brown hair and a black muscle shirt. Stiles shook his thoughts free, and pointed at the bushes in front of them "The carnations bush is really nice" he tried.

Parrish swallowed a gulp of his beer, walking up to stand beside his friend "Wedding gift from my mom. Lydia keeps up with it though, it would have been dead by now if it were up to me"

"Where is the diva anyways?"

"Inside. She'll be down soon" Stiles nodded letting the noises of outside take over the conversation. A bird in the tree, the kids in the house over and a garbage truck a few streets over.

Parrish teetered on his toes swishing around a sip of liquid in his mouth. The man was nice enough, always kind to Stiles and willing to save him from Lydia's wrath whenever it came. That is why, after looking over his shoulder to make sure the coast was clear, Stiles cleared his throat. He wasn't sure exactly how to go about it but he estimated he had about five free minutes before his friend came to meet them and he needed advice, real advice from someone who didn't think he was being silly "Your relationship with Lydia..." Stiles started, his throat suddenly dry "...was it always so easy? I mean once you two found each other, was it so simple so-so undemanding?"

The response cane quickly "Heck no. Lydia was not what I pictured when I thought about my soul mate"

"What do you mean?"

"The queen bee. Wealthy, care-free, bossy, shallow. We were so opposite I was sure the universe had gotten it wrong" Stiles stood there shocked these words were coming from his mouth. This was his wife, the person he said "I do" to. The cogs turned behind his head and Parrish continued "-but that was just my uneducated perception. From the outside"

"So what changed? What made you try still?"

"I am not a stubborn person, so I gave it an attempt. I went on the dates, I did the movie nights, the walks and I gave us a chance. The moment I realized every assumption I made about Lydia was wrong I saw the true her, I saw why we were meant for each other. She's nurturing, and funny, and kind and still very bossy but I love it, I lover her. And man does she live me. She keeps me steady" he shrugged staring into space with a gleam in his eye, one Stiles could only identify as love "She's my wife" Stiles nodded thinking maybe he was getting it. Then Parrish suddenly turned serious and Stiles was getting ready for the coming advice. The man was a cop but it didn't take a scientist to know all these questions were because of Derek "I know this thing with Derek is scary, especially after everything you must have convinced yourself of over the years. All I can say is if you want this to work you just have to give it a chance. I mean give Derek a chance, but overall give yourself a chance"

Stiles tapped his nails anxiously against the cup of lemonade he had yet to drink. Parrish wouldn't run and blab, he wouldn't tell Stiles he was being crazy or needed to man up so the next admission came out in a whisper "I-I am just so scared. At this point I'm not even sure of what, I just know I am"

"We all were in the beginning. But that'll change"

In an instant, a sweet voice was breaking through the heavy conversation "Yoohoo. Boys!" They turned to see Lydia on the patio swaying in a bright yellow sundress, her strawberry red hair the perfect bit of contrast "Your ray of sunshine has arrived"

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