Chapter 80: Suppression

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what you're talking about," he mutters.

"You both know that you're true love... so what's the holdup?"

"I'd ask the same about you and Carlos," Doug says.

It's then Carlos's turn to flush a shade of red, which spreads all the way to his ears. He looks away to avoid eye contact or the topic.

"I'm... more than willing to wait," Jane says nervously. She doesn't want to scare Carlos or put any pressure on him. While she would love to one day get married and maybe have a family, they were way too young. She looks at him and worries that now the idea was planted in his head, it would make everything worse considering his current stress level.

"So am I," Doug says. "Plus I think I might have to ask permission from Regina to marry Evie."

"What's all this about marriage?" Ben asks, also coming outside, he's carrying his little brother Gideon.

It was starting to become like a party of kids in front of the Storybrooke library.

"Is everyone just deciding to come out?" Carlos asks.

"It's getting pretty stuffy in there, plus the babies are not the happiest at the moment. This is why I volunteered to bring Gideon outside for some fresh air.

"You're so lucky to have a brother in this world," Jane says. She stands up and offers to take the baby from Ben, which he complies with. The tiny tot seems to recognize Jane from before because he smiles before grabbing at her hair. While the fairy babysitter winces, she doesn't complain too much. She just gently moves his little hand from her locks and allows him to cling to her necklace instead.

"He is a handful," the king of Auradon adds.

"Like you?" a voice calls out.

The group turns to see the VKs, along with Snow, David, Emma, Killian and Rumple coming up the street back towards the library.

Mal gives a smirk at her joke. She then pauses, unsure about whether to hug Ben or not because technically they weren't officially back together yet. The two stare at each other for a long moment before he opens his arms and she accepts the invitation.

Meanwhile, there is no hesitation between Evie and Doug. The moment the son of the dwarf saw Evie's blue hair, he was on his feet, books are immediately forgotten. He embraces her tightly and she rubs his back, pleased to be reunited.

"How was it?" Carlos asks.

"Went as well as you would expect it would," Jay answers.

"So is she going to help?" Jane asks.

Mal snorts but doesn't say anything.

"She's merely... pondering it," Rumple smirks. He then reaches forward to take his son from the fairy daughter. Gideon is pleased to be in his father's arms again, although he had difficulty releasing Jane's necklace. The Dark One and the daughter of the Fairy Godmother become uncomfortably close as the baby is slow to let go of the treasure in his grasp. Finally, Jane removes the jewelry to be free and away from this man she knew was a villain. She wasn't sure how, but she could sense the dark magic in the man's veins. It made her shudder and she steps away from Crystal's father.

It wasn't pleasant for the demonic shopkeeper either, considering his personal hatred for fairies, thinking of them as annoying gnats worth nothing but a good swat. At least he'd taken care of this girl's alleged mother figure long ago, causing her to explode into flames, and in front of Cinderella no less. No one missed this particular fairy, and no one seemed to care what he did with the wand after her abrupt passing. He hated that they granted wishes and seemed to give magic away willingly; the goodie goodies painted the picture that their fairy dust and magic did not come with a price when this aged demon knew better than all that it did.

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