~1~ Thank you?

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My feet pound on the ground. My breath comes in ragged pants. My body wants to stop but if I stop those hunters will kill me.

So I keep running through the forest trying to lose them.

I hear their dogs crashing through the brush after me

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I hear their dogs crashing through the brush after me. Their barks fill the forest. I need to lose them soon I can't go on like this much longer.

Overhead I hear the call of a raven.

I turn and splash through a small stream hoping that it will throw them off at least a little.

I turn and come face to face with a rock wall. I try to jump and climb it but my paw slips and I tumble down landing on my side.

I push myself to my feet and turn to run the other way but I hear the snapping of twigs and the low growl of the hunter's dogs. They're blocking my escape.

I snap to attention and growl in response, my ears pinned back and my teeth barred.

Never let them smell your fear.

I lash out at one of the dogs that get to close. It jumps out of the way and backs up.

I will not go down without a fight, that's what mama taught me.

Soon rustling sounds and the hunter is standing in front of me.

But I detect another presence in the woods. One of magic.

Then I feel it, my body feels tingly and my paws are suddenly replaced with that which the hunter has.

By now the hunter has run off screaming "Witches! Devils!"

I stand on my now two feet and examine myself. My fur is gone replaced by (s/t) skin covered in dirt. Long crazy (h/c) hair frames my face, I grab a bit and pull it, wincing as it hurts a bit.

I hear a light snap of a twig. I spin around to attack with this new body but pause when I see a horned human in front of me.

This was the presence I sensed in the forest.

I bow my head, "I suppose it's you whom I must thank for saving my life. So thank you."

"You're welcome. Come with me." She starts walking through the woods and I follow close behind.

It sure is different navigating these woods in this form.

We stop by a small pond.

"Wash yourself and I'll get you some clothes." She says.

I nod a thanks and step into the pond, the dirt falling off my body.

I hear the caw of a raven again and look to see one flying towards the horned human. And before my very eyes it turns into a man.

I tilt my head as I watch them. Slowly I make my way out of the pond and I am given some clothes.

 Slowly I make my way out of the pond and I am given some clothes

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"Thank you again miss." I say.

"What is your name?" She asks. The raven man watches me closely.

"(Y/n)." I say. "If I may what are your names?" I look between the both of them.

"Maleficent. And this is Diaval." She gestures to the man.

He doesn't say anything, and he hardly smiles.

"I take it you're not a fan of dogs." I say to him, "well this should be fun."


I wrote most of this in one sitting and thought I'd publish it while I work on other stories.


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