Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Don't own BNHA or any of its characters.

Hey! So a lot of people really liked the first story (like holy cheese, wow, that's a lot of kudos) and I got commissioned to write a second one! Yey! I'll be updating the story when I have the time to do so. If you want to be ahead in the story I've already posted the second chapter on my discord.

Big thanks to memequeen for beta-reading this. You are awesome. Also shoutout to all the wonderful people on my discord who read the first chapter and gave me lovely feedback. You guys are awesome. Big thanks to all the artists who have made some killer works for the series. You can find them on my Tumblr.

Hope you enjoy the newest chapter! :D

Chapter 1

No matter how much time passes, Deku still somehow manages to piss him the fuck off.

His stomach gurgles in response to his thoughts. Bakugou rolls to the side of his bed, the waves of nausea unrelenting. Guilt curdles in his gut, intestines twisting and turning as he recalls what he said earlier today.

"We have to tell your mom. She's been so broken without you. Dek–Izuku, about what happened before, I can't, fuck how do I put this into words . . . I'm sorry. I fucked up. I'm so—"

The sentences taste like ashes against his lips now. Despite everything, the boy left with the warp bastard, his last words ringing in Bakugou's ears like a stupid ass pop song. Never-ending, repetitive, only reminding him of his failures.

Kacchan. The nickname he long thought dead and buried has been resurrected. He isn't sure how to feel about that—about any of this really.

He grits his teeth until he could no longer restrain himself.

A loud bang resonates as his fist smashes into the wall. Anger, sadness, and other feelings he can't quite explain filter through. The nitroglycerin sparks and smokes in his hand, fizzling out seconds later. The charred, cracked imprint of his anger matches the others along his bedside wall; it is, as his dumbass middle school art teacher would say, a collage to his emotional state. His shoulders slump forward.

He hates it. Hates how weak he is that he couldn't save the pathetic idiot from sacrificing himself not once, but twice. Hates how the shame of his actions over the past few years cling to his self-esteem, that no matter how many successes he has, getting into UA, getting to the highest score in his class—they pale in comparison to the shitty things he's done to Deku. Hates how despite apologizing, he doesn't feel any different. If anything, he's worse, because now that fucking dipshit was alive and how was he going to explain this to anyone? He's the only one who heard the fool speak. Just his luck. He releases a long sigh.

The whispers of his former middle school classmates echo through his mind. He presses both palms to his ears, trying to will the bullshit away. It doesn't work. It never does. He can still hear their judgment, still feel their pity after his extend break from classes after Deku's—

He shakes his head, banishing the memories. Tired fingers rub at the dark circles underneath his eyes. He can't sleep. Not after today. The villain's attack was just a fucking diversion to get to All Might. Damn it. So fucking obvious too. He should have seen it coming from a mile away.

Familiar stomping breaks him from his thoughts. Well. Fuck. Maybe he should have been more discreet about punching the wall again. He doesn't even turn toward the door when the old hag breaks it open with her foot.

Her voice breaks the silence. "What the hell is wrong with you, brat?"

"Fuck off, old hag," he grumbles, waving his hand at her to leave him to his thoughts.

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