Chapter 10

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Bakugou gets part of a message. Kuro has his cover blown. Aizawa needs a break.

But at the end of the day, all actions have consequences.


Disclaimer: Don't own MHA or any of its characters.

Hey! I'm alive! Sorry for not updating sooner! The summer training arc is one of the hardest for me to write. I ended up combining it all together to get through it faster. To all those who sent me art, comments, and their appreciation, thank you so much! It means a lot. Shoutout to my beta memequeen for helping me on this. Thanks so much to fruitloopchan for the comic as well!

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

It's only been three days and already he wants to die.

Bakugou didn't expect it to be easy, but he's pretty damn sure some of the Pro Heroes' training methods were borderline torture under the Geneva Conventions or some shit. Not that he would ever voice that aloud. By the time dusk rolls around, everyone is beat in some fashion. All they have time for is a quick shower before they start on dinner. It didn't help that Bakugou was put on kitchen detail right afterwards. Not like he hadn't ground his ass like the rest of them. Shitty Hair and Icyhot take their damn sweet time getting the pots and pans out, leaving Bakugou to pour his fury into potato peeling, imagining the lumpy vegetables as his enemies. If this training shit brings him closer to stopping the League and getting Izuku back then it would be worth it. He has to get stronger; there's no other option.

Once finished decimating the potatoes, he moves to fill up one of the pots from the outdoor sink. As the water sloshes about inside, his mind soon finds something else to preoccupy itself: the rescue mission. There were a lot of things he would need to get done if he wanted to succeed. Once he got home, he was gonna enact that plan of his around Kamino with the others. They had a little time before school would start again, a perfect opportunity to scout out the area and hunt for clues. Not an inch of that place would be spared. Hopefully, it would lead him straight to the nerd. If it didn't—


Bakugou isn't one who scares easily, but the sudden voice throws him off. He jolts in place, half the water pouring out before he regains hold of it. The owner of the voice yelps in alarm, "What the heck!"

Bakugou shoots a glare down at the stranger, recognizing him as one of the Pussycat's brats. He tries to think of their name but nothing comes to mind. It's probably because he's a stupid little kid. Ugh. He better not ask him to play or some crap. He sets the pot aside with a short huff. Great, now he needs to refill it again. "Don't sneak up on people, you little shit."

"Some hero you are." The kid scowls, looking at his soaked clothes with annoyance. He quickly shoves a piece of paper at Bakugou's chest before stomping off, though not without yelling back, "I was here to deliver a message, dumbass!" He retreats back to the woods he came from, leaving Bakugou and his classmates wondering what the hell just happened.

Shitty Hair is the first one to approach him with a raised brow. "Dude, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," he stated plainly. "Little Gremlin snuck up on me." He reached down to pick up the crumpled paper. "Said he was delivering a message or whatever." He pauses. "Wait." His eyes narrow, breath hitching as he read the contents. Although water damage made most of the words illegible, he recognized the writing. His heart hammers in his chest as realization dawns. At the end, Izuku's message signature stares up at him like a bright beacon, daring him to find its creator. And if that brat was the messenger then—

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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