Chapter 7

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The fight is over, but the war has only just begun. As their paths diverge, both sides can't help but wonder: what happens next?


Disclaimer: Don't own BNHA or any of its characters.

Hey! Back with a new chapter! Sorry for the long wait. I work a full time job so I don't have as much free time as I'd like. Big thanks to my beta memequeen and bladerunner for helping me with the chapter. This is the end of the Stain arc. Next Chapter will be introducing the new league members and build on new friendships.

Thank you for all the lovely comments, bookmarks, and kudos. I really appreciate them. It always amazes me how many people like this fic.

I hope you enjoy the newest chapter!

The shadows cast by the streetlights seem less terrifying now. That could be the bloodloss talking though, Kuro inwardly muses.

To say he is relieved would be an understatement. After he collapsed to his knees at the defeat of Stain, the teen spent several seconds processing what happened. Once finished, Kuro refocuses on the scene in front of him. He counts the heads, relaxing moments later when he discovers all of them are still alive.

His shoulders slump forward. What a night. He feels muscles he didn't even know he had screamed at him for all the moves he pulled. Naively, he thought he'd become more athletic from all the combined training he did under his teacher and Shigaraki. Not enough, apparently. He can't stay on the ground forever, however. His legs wobble as he gets to his feet, arms hanging off his body like wet noodles. He flexes his fingers, opening and closing his hands as he waits for feeling to return to them once more. It was pure dumb luck Stain didn't get the chance to ingest his blood. He gently brushes off the dirt from his pants.

As the adrenaline leaves his system, the pain in his abdomen throbs rhythmically, spreading out to the rest of his injuries. A cursory glance below tells him there's more than one stab wound, much to his dismay. The outfit would need to be replaced. He winces when he finds a particularly nasty cut along his side, courtesy of Stain's blade. Not life-threatening, he thinks, but he'll still need to see Doctor Ujiko for stitches. A shudder runs down his spine as an image of the man flashes through his mind.

The hero students don't look much better. He notices the Pro is back up on his feet though, so that's good? Though his costume is a bit outlandish, he seems nice enough. Still, Kuro can't up but tense up when the man approaches (he knew he would be arrested) only to blink owlishly as the hero gives the teen a soft pat on the shoulder.

"You good enough to walk? Need me to carry you or something?" He offers.

Kuro hesitates then shakes his head in refusal. His brows knit into a confused frown as the Pro checks on the others. Shouldn't he be tying Kuro up? Stain confirmed his villainous background during the fight after all.

He taps a forefinger against his chin in contemplation. Maybe, since he helped out against Stain, he's earned the other's trust? He shifts his head from side to side as he reviews the night's events. Yes, that makes sense. The Hero is giving him a chance, or doesn't see Kuro as a threat. At least there's some silver lining in this horrible situation. Right?

It doesn't take long before Iida limps over to the Hero Killer, though he keeps his distance. The rage in his face has faded some but the tightness of his features stays. There is little love for the vigilante it seems. Kuro can empathize. In a low voice, Iida asks aloud, "Is Stain dead?"

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