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     AS SOON AS SHE WAS BORN, she knew life wasn't fair. god had made everyone unequal, for what reason, it was never known.

call it a roll of a dice, those lucky are gifted a powerful and helpful quirk. a chance given by god to be called heroes.

those not, are born with a withering quirk that forces your destiny to be that of a villain.

of course, not everyone is born with a quirk either. those who weren't gifted at all, are the scum of them all.

like midoriya izuku, who was one of the unfortunates, is forced to fight his way to become the next heir of the hero's kingdom.

though this story is not about midoriya. in fact, it's the complete opposite.

     while there's the hero kingdom, ran by toshinori yagi—with the alias of all might—there's also a villain kingdom.

     all for one—no one knows his real name except himself—is the ultimate villain. though he does not exactly run the kingdom, his adopted son—shigaraki tomura—does.

     shigaraki, the epitome of a brat, decided to have another brat. obviously it was not his idea, but what was done was done.

     "what a shame", kurogiri hummed as the misty man cradled the nearly 10 month old baby.

     the little baby had no idea what the misty man was talking about. her knowledge only extended to that of "hi", "bye-bye", "sleep", and "food".

kurogiri set the little princess down as he extended his arms out.

"come to me princess. come on now, you can do it", kurogiri encouraged.

the baby tilted her head to the side as she just continued fumbling with her frilly onesie. she had no business trying to crawl or even attempt to walk to kurogiri.

the misty man sighed as he felt a tinsel of worry and pity. at her age, she should've already started walking, yet she showed no signs of doing so.

not only that, everyone knew to stay away from the princess, leaving only kurogiri to take care of her.

shigaraki hasn't even seen her once, not even for her arrival into the world.

if it weren't for all for one's suggestion, shigaraki would've never had a heir, well, heiress.

     and quite unfortunately, the mother was disintegrated right after the princess's birth. hence, the girl will never experience parental love, as shigaraki surely wasn't going to give her any.

     "well I suppose it's enough for today. let's go to sleep now princess youko", kurogiri dejectedly said as he picked the princess up once more.

as kurogiri placed the baby girl in her crib, she giggled, grabbing her tiny quilt and trying to munch on it.

"sleep well princess", kurogiri softly mumbled as he tucked the princess in, who had swiftly closed her eyes.

'indeed, how unfair god was'.


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𝖚𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗 {𝖙. 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖐𝖎}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora