"Alright then."

"Bye," Mya said lowly, walking off and preparing to text Jessie back.

"Is everything okay?" Mya texted back.

As Mya waited for a response, she decided to grab a seat at Saylo's reserved seating table. She knew Tristan was close behind her but didn't even pay mind to it. Just a day or two ago this would've sent Mya spiraling, but now she couldn't find it within herself to care.

The next text came in.

"Just some stuff in the house needed to be fixed and sorting out bills. Nothing I couldn't handle. What about you? How's your summit?"

"It's going. I was worried about you," Mya replied, relief filling her to the brim.

"Worried? How come?" A second text came in from Jessie again, "I'll meet you at the hotel whenever you get out?"

Mya smiled at the other woman's eagerness. "I would like that."

She was happy Jessie texted back at the right moment. So happy.

Mya thought hard about Jessie and what she's experienced with the mysterious woman. The way she kissed her as if she knew her — passionate, gentle kisses that could've impaled any person's heart. Her smile and how she ate Mya up with just a simple glance. Her confidence and the sheer badassery she exuded at all times.

The sex—

Mya's phone rang loudly, making her jump. She quickly grabbed the phone, seeing Jessie's name on the screen and answering as fast as she possibly could.

"H-Hey," Mya said, a smile creeping onto her face.

"Hey, Sapphire. You okay? You sound a little winded there."

"I'm fine. Just a lot going on, you know? Kinda sleepy and the coffee I drank may have backfired on me."

"Did you eat?"

"I did. Croissant and cheese."

Jessie didn't sound the slightest bit impressed. "We're definitely grabbing a bite somewhere."

Mya smiled. "Room service? Or maybe one of the many buffets in the hotel?"

"Buffet? Why didn't you tell me sooner!"

"I thought about that earlier, but I didn't know if you were going to get back to me on time ..."

"I know, I'm sorry. But we're on for a good buffet then. Can't wait."

"I should be leaving in an hour or so. I'll keep you updated?"

"Please do."

❚ ❚ ❚

Mya adjusted her purse on her shoulder. Jessie held a brand new smaller black helmet out to Mya, which Mya took cautiously. Both women were in the parking lot of the hotel, Jessie in a tight long white sleeve shirt and ripped black jeans. Her silver chain was attached to its usual belt loops, her own helmet under her arm. Jessie's black backpack hanging off her shoulder. Mya noticed the girl only wore black and white.

"What's this?" Mya asked inspecting the helmet.

Jessie smiled. "It's for you,"

"You didn't have to buy this Jessie," Mya said in awe. "Plus ... I don't know if I'm getting back on your bike."

"Oh c'mon, you said you liked it."

Mya smiled, accepting the gift she knew she couldn't reject, "Did you forget the part where I mentioned it was also a terrifying death trap?"

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