Chapter 14 - A plan and a question

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Lorelei and Éomer stood aide by side in the throne room with Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, the Durin brothers and Rîndis. They were waiting on Saphire to return with Anastasia so they could discuss what was to happen next. Everyone present knew that even though they had protected Gondor and won the battle. It was not the end.

"Finally," Gimli grumbled exasperated from his seat on the steward's chair.

"Don't get your beard in a knot dwarf." The voice was one Lorelei had not heard before. It belonged to a tall dwarf with blue eyes and a mess of curly black hair that ran down just past her shoulders. 

"I think his beard is always in knots Raven," Anastasia laughed. Gimli's face reddened slightly in frustration as he began to grumble under his breath.

"Who might you be anyway?"

"This would be Raven Ironheart, the eldest of the Ironheart siblings and back from the dead." 

Just about everyone was stunned into silence by Anastasia's rather casual declaration. All eyes were on the third Ironheart sibling. Lorelei couldn't even try to think about how this was actually possible but she had seen ghosts defeat an army of orcs and goblins, she had seen Anastasia turn into a wolf and burn a hundred enemies. One person coming back from the dead however strange it may seem at this point could be possible. A lot of energy and power dwells nearby and it is possible to be harnessed.

The shock died down after a few more moments and everyone went back to business.

"Frodo had passed out of my sight, the darkness is deepening," Gandalf said with increasing worry.

"If Sauron had the ring, we would know by now. There is still hope for Frodo even if you cannot see " Anastasia's statement was true and gave the group hope. They could still win if the ring remains hidden from Sauron.

"It is only a matter of time. Behind the walls of Mordor, the enemy is regrouping despite the defeat he has suffered," Gandalf continued. 

"Let him stay there, let him rot! Why should we care?" 

"Because the last of Saurons armies are now likely regrouping behind the walls, and that now stands between your friend and the fire he seeks," Raven said. Gandalf confirmed this with a curt nod.

"I've sent him to his death," Gandalf sighed.

"No, we can not give up now. Not with how far we've come," Lorelei declared. The words were full of anger and determination. 

Aragorn smiled at his sister.

"He needs time and safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth."

"And how do we do that?" Gimli asked in a whiff of smoke from his pipe.

"Draw out Saurons armies, empty his hands. Then we gather our full strength and match on the black gate." Aragorn mirrored his younger sisters enthusiasm. 

Gimli seemed to choke on smoke from his pipe at what Aragorn said.

“We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms,” Éomer said a little hopelessly but it didn’t dull Lorelei’s determination.

“Not for ourselves,” Lorelei agreed but looked to her brother knowing he was thinking the same as her.

“But we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron’s eye fixed upon us,” Aragorn stated with grit.

“We keep him blind to everything else that moves,” Anastasia noted grinning herself liking the plan beginning to form.

“A diversion,” Legolas concluded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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