Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chaos reigned and led the people of Fairy Tail, and the madness that took hold of the guild spread. Parties always grew out of hand, and this one seemed to take the top spot of chaotic parties. While, typically, a week long party would be in order for Fairy Tail, after winning the Grand Magic Games, and the Mayor returning the old Guildhall, no such party ensued upon their return. Well, the Master planned for such a party at first, but Lucy doubted the Guild Hall could last that long. Not while the destructive forces at hand battled it out in the Guild, her home, their home.

On the upper floor of the Guild Hall, towards the front doors in a corner farthest from the bar, and the brawling bodies below, Lucy gnawed on the ice in her empty cup of a strawberry milkshake, whole ice chunks added by Mira just as she knew Lucy loved it. Stuck staring at the mess below, she watched as her beloved nakama destroyed everything in sight. And she meant everything. The ceiling above already tallied a total of eight new holes, all of which would need to be fixed. And to be fixed Master would need to send them all out on missions and demand some form of payment.

Meaning the rent her Land Lady grouched over like a fiend, while comical to the rest of Magnolia, would take longer to pay off and rework.

Slumping down onto the surface of the wooden table she sat at, Lucy turned her face from the brawl below. Closing her eyes she listened carefully to her family, and the unwelcome guests that roared along with all the rest.

"Well, they definitely know how to enjoy themselves," Rufus said randomly, drawing her back into a sitting position to face him more properly. Not that she would with most, but Rufus's regal sense flared Lucy's old sense of decorum, from her time as an heiress. He just seemed the type of man people should respect enough to sit up straight for, even if at times he acted like an ass. Rolling her eyes in response and cringed and watched as Gajeel flung Rogue into one of the beams supporting the upper floor, and prayed that the second floor wouldn't collapse with her on it.

"Yeah well, I believe that their enjoyment should end soon. Before we lose the guild hall we just got back. Meaning all of you need to leave so I can mix in that special powder Mira has behind the bar into all the drinks so all of them will pass out. There are too many of you to use it on now, there won't be enough," Lucy grumbled and crossed her arms under her chest. An annoyed tick formed above her left eye, which she rolled until she looked at the mess before her.

Fairy Tail intended to party alone, to reacquaint themselves with their glorious home, and the party began. Booze poured down from the walls, drunk and enjoyed by everyone besides Wendy, Romeo, Asuka and her parents. The last two because dealing with a baby while drunk seemed something one should never do. The two left soon after the booze began to flow, happy to be back with family, but Asuka's sleep came first.

But with alcohol, came a side of the guild that not many outside saw. Besides in the case of Cana, who walked around in life drunk off her ass. Not that anyone really minded, they didn't. Cana being sober would signify the end of days, or Zeref becoming the wizard of angels and life.

And while yes, it took anyone a while to get so drunk off their own ass to start fighting without thought, add in another guild and liquor no longer became necessary to reach the end result. Competitive and dominating personalities figured all of that out alone. As such a case unfurled, as during the middle of the Master's opening speech to the party, where already most considered themselves tipsy, a whole new bunch of people entered.

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