He flares his nostrils and inhales, seemingly trying to calm his anger.

"Let me go!" I practically plea this time.

"No." Ransom says through gritted teeth. "Not yet."

"Come on! I told you earlier!" I groan and wriggle around to try and escape, but as usual, it does not help.

Ransom leans in closer, so that if he inches any closer to me, his lips would cover my own. "That isn't enough!" Ransom exclaims.

I close my eyes so I can roll them backward.

"I know you are rolling your eyes" I hear a slight snigger in his voice.


"Just let me go." I whine. I sound like a little girl who can't get her way, but at this point, I don't care.

"Answer my question!" he demands.

"LET ME GO!" I bellow.

This startles Ransom, but he quickly composes himself. He closes his eyes and takes in a few breaths until he sits up and climbs off the bed.

"Be a bitch then. Besides, it's getting late, so I am going to order dinner for us. We can go to the shops tomorrow." he says in a toneless voice, turning away.

I move quickly and aim for the bathroom.

"I'm sorry."

I halt and turn around. What did Ransom just say?

"It's your first day here and I didn't want this to happen to us on the first day." Ransom's voice is small, and I sense some sympathy in his tone.

"What?" I ask, feeling completely stunned. I am sure I did not hear that properly.

"Don't make me say it again." he glances around the room and sighs.

"Well..." I shrug, "I do want to hear it again." I say tactlessly, knowing that he will get angry at me.

Ransom sighs again and leaves the bedroom – more like stomps out the room.

I wish I had my phone so that I could have recorded that. It was rare to hear Ransom apologizing. Even when we were dating, he would normally refuse to apologize.

I slam the door purposefully so that Ransom can hear the slam, and I turn to face the mirror. It's tempting to smash the mirror to pieces, but I don't want Ransom to be barging in here right now. Plus, I would have to be the idiot who would clean up the broken glass.

I cover my hands over my face and I scream.

Once done showering, I grab clothing from the cupboard. I decide to wear looser clothing and not any of Ransom's t-shirts – as comfortable as they are.

My eyes meet my own reflection in the mirror, and I am confounded by what I see. My eye make-up is smudged, my hair looks like a bird's nest, my height is about half the size of the mirror and I lift my shirt to see extra skin on my sides. I've been working out a lot more this year and my stomach is fairly flat, but I am no supermodel.

I don't know how Ransom finds me attractive – or should I rather say, I don't know how he found me attractive. I don't see what he saw in me that made me attractive in his eyes. I have met men in the past who found me appealing, but I never got a chance to see how far we could go. Ransom would always intervene and get possessive over me – before we officially started dating!

Ransom and I started out as friends. Good friends. I usually saw another side of Ransom whenever I brought along a date. Ransom would somehow scare the man, and he would leave before we ordered dinner or lunch.

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