Chapter 5 - Uh Oh!

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(Biden's POV)

          I can't stop pacing. The debate is happening in 5 minutes, and I know I'm prepared, but it's killing me on the inside; do I really have to fight against him? He's the most handsome guy I've ever met, and even though I know I have an advantage, I know what he's capable of...

          What if I say something wrong, or if I screw up in front of the crowd? I'm so nervous right now- all I can think about is how I can't stand to see him upset, and how I'd make him so sad if I won. But I don't want to lose, either. I don't think I have much of a choice, though; there's no other candidate to go up against. Everyone else was voted off early on; it's just me and Donald now.
          "Hey, kid," a stern voice came from behind, startling me. I turned around to see Mr. West staring down at me. "Show starts in two minutes; I'm gonna go out there now, wait for your cue to come on stage."
          "Mr. West, do you think I'll be able to win this?"
          "I don't know, kid. All I care about is that this is the first time I've been on a stage in years. Don't ruin this for me; I wanna do a surprise rap at the end."
          "Stay alert for your cue. Don't screw this up." Mr. West walked away, leaving me confused. Why is he so caught up in his failed rap career? His music sucks, anyways. It's all he plays when we're doing work; it's agonizing. I don't think anyone in his class likes it, honestly. Except for Hillary. But nobody talks about her.
          I was careful not to get too lost in thought, and stayed aware for my time to get on stage.
          And there it was.
          "From the class of 2024 comes Joe Biden, our first successful freshman candidate to make it to the debates!" Mr. West's unsoothing voice echoed throughout the stadium, causing me to cringe on the inside.
          I walked out, pretending that I wasn't lowkey having a nervous breakdown less than a few seconds ago, and stood confidently at my podium. I waved at the cheering crowd as I prepared for my opponent to come on stage.
          "And now, for our junior candidate, Donald Trump!" Mr. West called out, causing the crowd to cheer once more, but a little bit less than they had for me.
          I looked over, and was lovestruck. He came out in the most stunning suit and tie I'd ever seen. The way his eyes sparkled in the stagelights was astonishing; I didn't think he could've looked more handsome than before, but I was so, so wrong. My breath was taken away, and I almost forgot what I was supposed to be doing as he waved to the crowd and walked to his podium. He gave me a glance, and a quick wink before turning to Mr. West. I snapped out of it, and turned to him as well.
          "Now, let the debate begin!" The crowd roared with excitement, dying to see our upcoming debate. I wasn't ready, but I had no choice but to start. "Mr. Biden, first question that the students have been dying to know about; What are your plans for this year's prom?"
          "I..." I couldn't speak; I froze up. All I can think about is that I can't stand to see Donald lose. He means so much to me, I can't upset him like this. I couldn't take this any longer. I had to do something. "No. I can't do this." The crowd gasped.
          "Excuse me?" Mr. West seemed appalled.
          "No. I can't do this. Not to Donald."
          "Wait.. What?" Donald said, confused. "Joe, what is this? Are you letting me win?"
          "I can't stand to see you lose, Don. You mean so much to me, and I... I love you. I love you so much. I know how much losing this election would hurt you, and I can't be the one to do that to you. I don't care if it means I lose, I just can't do this to the one person I love the most." The crowd was in awe, murmuring between themselves. I knew this would've made my entire campaign a joke. I knew this would cause my supporters to lose faith in me. But at this point, all I care about is him.
          "Joe, I..." He paused, unsure of what to say. "I.. I love you too, Joe. You've made my world so much brighter, and I honestly was about to give up, too."
          "What the fuck? Listen, cut this gay shit out, I'm homophobic!" Mr. West yelled, but we both ignored him.
          "Donald... Will you be the school president with me?" The crowd gasped.
          He seemed shocked, but smiled as tears came to his eyes. "Absolutely, my love."
          Joy filled my heart as I gave him the biggest hug I could. The crowd cheered, and Mr. West was panicking. "No, this can't be! You can't do that!" He shouted at us.
          "Oh, I think they can." A mysterious voice came onto the stage. Donald and I looked up, only to see Kim Kardashian, our school principal, come up to the mic.
          "K-Kim, dear, you can't allow this! This totally violates our policies!"
          "I can do what I want. I'm the principal, remember?" Kanye paused and looked away from her shamefully. Kim smiled. "Now, everyone welcome our new school presidents!"
          I leaned in towards him, and we kissed in front of the school. Everyone cheered for us as we did so, chanting our names in enthusiasm. I couldn't help it; my excitement was so great, I let out the loudest fart. Donald looked at me sweetly, and farted as well. Our fart clouds expanded, and expanded into a giant heart surrounding us. The stinky aroma gently filled the room, and our unending farts caused us to slowly float into the air. We broke through the school roof, and ran away to live the most lovely and smelly life of our very own.
          I've never been happier than I am with him, and I know he feels the same. Soon, we're going to rule the world together with our stinky farts.

A Forbidden Debate (Trump x Biden Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now