Chapter 3 - Lunchtime

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(Biden's POV)

         Well, I got accepted, despite what Donald thought. He seemed a bit surprised when I told him, but if I'm not mistaken, I think he seemed... happy for me? It was a vague hint of it in his foresty eyes, but those emotions were soon hidden away, replaced with his usual cold expression.

          We don't have any more classes together; just lunch and advanced chemistry. But, I've gotten to sort of befriend him. He's still rude, but it's manageable. We've sort of bonded over how bad of a teacher Mr. West is; instead of actually doing anything useful, all he does is talk about his failed music career and how he resorted to being a teacher as a last resort.

          I walked into the lunch room, sighing as I sat down. Opening my lunch box, I took out the granola bar I was given and started eating while waiting for Donald to arrive. I almost spat it back out; it seems dry and stale. But, I don't have much else today, besides a single apple. I'll just have to put up with it.

          I started to tune the rest of the lunch room out; all the miscellaneous chatter of the other students was drowned out in my own thoughts. I began thinking of several things; Donald, the chemistry test from this morning, the upcoming school election, all of the homework that I have to do tonight...

          What does Donald even think of me? I like him, and he seems nice, but I just can't really tell; he's so hard to read sometimes. I can't tell if he hates me, tolerates me, maybe he likes me, too? I don't know...

          I almost got lost in thought when I heard Donald's lunchbox slam down next to mine. He sat down, and began eating a slice of pizza. I shuddered, remembering how bad the school's pizza was. It just tasted like cardboard with old, stale sauce smothered on top.

          He looked at me, and I looked at him. For a moment we seemed to be locked in each other's gaze, and I couldn't stop staring into his eyes. He seemed to realize, and turned away quickly, focusing on his food. I did the same shortly after, trying to break the awkward silence.

          "So..." I began, looking further down. "How did the chemistry test go for you?"

          He seemed to take a minute to think as he finished his bite of pizza. I could tell he didn't like it, either. "Oh. It was fine. Honestly, way too easy."

          I smirked. "Really, then what was that little piece of paper you kept sneakily pulling out and looking at?"

          His face turned sour at that remark, as he tried thinking of something to say. "I- I wasn't cheating! I-"

          "Never said you were."


          "Ha! You were cheating, weren't you?"

          He gave me no reply.

          "I'll take that silence as a defeated 'Yes'."

          "Just- don't tell him about it! I was able to get away with it because he doesn't care enough to look."

          "I won't, but if you're so great, how come you have to rely on cheating to pass?"

          "I... I just..." He paused for a second, looking over at my smug smile. He seemed hesitant to answer, but composed himself, returning to a cold, heartless stare. "He's not a good teacher."

         "Really, is that it? Because you've just been staring at me in class for the past few weeks." He looked away. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"

          His silence persisted, but the bell rang quickly. "Well, it's time for class! I'm going to go now." He quickly ran off, almost leaving his backpack behind; he came back for it, then ran away again, which I chuckled at as it seemed cute.

          He was acting... Oddly, to say the least. His usual cold, purely rude demeanor has seemed to melt away while talking to me; I can tell he's trying to keep it up, though. He doesn't seem to act this way to anyone else; so, why me?

          I don't really know what to think about it... But, it's cute, and I'll appreciate that for what it is.

          This doesn't change that I still wanna beat him in the election, though.

          ...Does it?

          No, no, of course not! I'm still going to practice; I have lots of work to do. He has so many supporters around the school already; how, I'm not sure, but I know I have to up my game in order to get support. If not, I know I'm going to lose.

          As I walked to my last classes of the day, I slowly started to wonder if maybe he would ever see me as I saw him.

A Forbidden Debate (Trump x Biden Highschool AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें