Lizard Preparation

Start from the beginning

Realistically speaking, gravity manipulation would never be able to pull down meteorites, create massive gravity wells and horizontal gravity; yet here I am. BS-ing to the world that this is how Gravity could be utilized.

Our main issue would be convincing Tim to let go of his beliefs on the limits of metal. Quite hard to do as his view on metal is limited by his experiences as a mechanic and blacksmith... would be nice if we had some finer control over his fruit. We should train him to do that.

Me: Alright Tim, how do you usually use your fruit then. Not in a fight but normally

Tim: Umm...sometimes I make some ingots for myself to make into something else.

Me: Alright then, do that.

Tim made a steel ingot appear in his hand.

Me: What do you want to make with that?

Tim: Not sure... a dinner knife maybe? We broke one yesterday

Me: Alright. Make it, but with your fruit.

Thus, a long scene session about the nature and potential of metal was conducted...not that he could follow but, it's a start.

Sarah: Arriving at the Royal Capital; Kara, please reduce your Devil fruit. We will now start to descend.

I did as she asked and lowered my power to half gravity. Our ship, the Requiem, started to glide softly down towards the dock. Surprisingly, I saw very little Marine presence on the island. Was it because there was a Warlord on the island that the Marines believed that they don't need as much soldiers/forces here?

Foolish thought really. Why would they ever trust a Warlord? The only one they should trust should be Kuma; and even then Kuma low-key betrayed the World Government by asking Dr. Vegapunk to program him to protect the Thousand Sunny for two long years!

Well, we're not at that stage yet. Maybe I can ask Kuma before he loses himself completely. It's still a mystery of why he gave himself up to the Government when his true loyalty lies with the Revolutionary Army. Huh, I should've asked Dragon that when I had that chance. Too late for regret though.

After we docked, told our crew to stay onboard for now and told the Marines who we are, he led us to the local Marine base... which was quite shabby.

Diana: Captain Smoker is not here yet, is he?

Marine: No Ma'am.

Diana: We'll stay and wait for him a bit. But we'll have to prepare a bit for the fight.

Me: Sis, we have a couple days to rest. Until Crocodile arrives. Why don't you help prepare the ground?

Diana: What do you mean?

Me: Make it rain. As much as you can so the there is humidity in the air even when Crocodile arrives. Rain so much that he can't absorb all of it.

Diana: I guess that's worth a try. But we'll have to tell the King later that the rain wasn't from the Dance Powder.

Other than that...

She put her hands in the air and concentrated

Diana: One Monsoon Raining season coming Right up!

Within in a few seconds, the clouds above the city gathered and grew dark. First there were droplets, then another one followed... until it was pouring and pouring.

Diana: I'm not going to make it rain too much at a time. That'll cause some problems, but I can keep this up for a couple of hours at this rate. This should prove helpful against Crocodile when he arrives.

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