Chapter 1. The Start.

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"Mom? Father? Someone?" A small saber tooth tiger, Y/n shouted around her home cave but in response she only got her own echo. She was alone, abandoned in a cave. She went desperately to look for her parents but without any hope of finding them, the heavy snow had covered all possible traces of their paws. She continued and did not want to give up until she found her own parents.

She had continued her journey and no longer knew where she was, but the good thing was that the snow had stopped but the cold did not ease. She continued as far as she could before she was exhausted and couldn't bear to walk any more. She closed her eyes and sank deeper and deeper into the darkness, peace reigned throughout her body.

There she were, little Y/n, in the snow, in cold, her own family had abandoned her, left her to wait for her death. Who could save her? She was alone.

But little did she know that mammoth had noticed her little body lying on the snow, in the ice, and all alone. This mammoth is, who else but Manny. Manny lifted Y/n out of the snow and he kept her warm.
From this day on, they have had each other. They have become a family.

Present day

Y/n POV:

Manny and I have always felt that we are family. We've been together for a long time and we're just on our way to where all the other mammals are leaving because of the coming ice age. Everyone else was queuing towards the heat while the two of us were walking towards the cold again. Then we were met by a mammal (A/N Sorry but I don't know what animal it was.) Who shouted at us.


Manny and I looked at him with irritated expressions and he continued,

"Do the world a favor, move your issues of the road."

I glared at him and Manny told him in an irritated tone,

"If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself pal." Having said this, the mammal backed away in fear.

"G-Give me a break, W-we've been waddling all day." He said and looked at his family. His family...

"Oh, go ahead." Manny said and we continued walking side by side.

"Follow the crowd." Manny mentioned and looked back. "It'll be quieter when you're gone."

"Ah, come on, if they wants to freeze to death let them." The mammal said and continued the journey with his family and all the other mammals.

Time Skip

Manny and I have been walking for some time and something, or someone, collided with Manny and fell to the ground. Manny turned irritated.


The sloth seemed nervous for some reason. Then I heard strong footsteps approaching us and this sloth suddenly got up and ran behind me and told us,

"Just pretend I'm not here." Okayyy?

Then we saw two rhinos in front of us. They didn't look happy. The rhinos stopped.

"Aw man, I wanted to hit him at full speed." One of the rhinos said. Then another rhino answered. "That's okay Frank. We'll have some fun with him."

Then the stinky sloth panicked and said,

"Don't let them impale me please! I wanna live!" The sloth cried and grabbed Manny's leg and Manny became really frustrated and annoyed by this.

"Get off me." He waved him off his leg and the sloth ran behind me again. Then the rhinos spoke again,

"Come on, you're making a scene." "Yeah we'll just take our furry pinata and go, if you don't mind."

"Hey buddy, if it's not them today, it's just someone elses tomorrow." Manny spoke. "Well I'd rather it not be today," The sloth answered nervously behind me.

"Look, were just going to break your neck, so you won't feel a thing, how's that?" The rhino spoke.

"Wait a minute, I thought rhinos were vegeterian." I said and then the sloth said "an excellent point."

"Who says we're going to eat him after we kill him?" "Yeah, come on, move it."

I don't like animals that kill for fun and I know that Manny doesn't like them either so I know were this is going and I don't like it.

"You know, I hate animals that kill for pleasure." Manny said and narrowed his eyes.

"Save it for a mammal that cares." The rhino growled. Sloth spoke up, "I'm a mammal that cares."

Then I got a idea and I said to the rhinos,

"Okay look, if you can get across the sinkhole that is in front of you, then you can have the sloth." Then the sloth jumped behind Manny.

"That's right you losers," he said and picked up a rock, "Take on step and your dead." He said and tossed the rock, of course expecting it to sink but it didn't. Oh no!
Both of us froze and he looked at me.

"You were bluffing huh?" He asked and I nodded and sad, "Yeah, yeah that was a bluff."

The two rhinos growled. "Get em!"

The rhinos charged forwards and Manny stopped both of them with his tusks but he was still pushed backwards. Manny was able to tossed them back. The sloth cheered and jumped on Manny's face and that was enough to push them of the cliff, and when I tried to help them, they pulled me with them!

When we were in the ground I jumped off of Manny's back and I saw that Manny push the sloth off of his face. Then the sloth spoke up,

"Hey, the three of us make a great team. What do you say if we all head in South together?"

"Yeah, hey great, why don't you jump on my back and relax the whole way there?" Manny respond, of course with sarcasm in his voice.

"Wow, hey really?" The sloth asked and that made me chuckle a little.

"No." Manny responded and then we continued our journey. Together. All three of us.

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