Chapter 17

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I slept in on Saturday because I had gotten home so late. Mom was still sleeping, and Connor was presumably at his job. I stopped to look at myself in the bathroom mirror to see if I looked any different. Of course, my face still looked the same as it always did, except for the slight flush on my cheeks as I thought about what had happened last night.

Jake had made me feel things I'd never felt before, and my body had come alive with his touch. The experience was so much more than I had imagined it would be. The intimacy we had shared made me feel closer to him than I had ever felt to anyone else. I thought back to my original plan to have sex with him and go back to being just friends. Now I knew that it would have been a failure, because my desire for Jake hadn't gone away after we made love. In fact, it was already coming back as I thought about how it had felt to be with him.

There had been a happy, comfortable atmosphere between us afterwards as we drank juice, ate snacks, and talked. We snuggled while we watched some TV. I even dozed off for a while, and Jake woke me up when it was time to leave. He laughed at my dismay when I noticed the blood on the sheets.

"It's because you were a virgin, Cam."

"But the maids will see it," I fretted.

"We'll be long gone by then. It's probably not the first time they've seen something like that," he reasoned.

I was still embarrassed by it as I got dressed. "Let's get out of here."

"Hey." Jake stopped my flight toward the door. "Do you regret it?"

"I would have brought a towel or something if I knew that was going to happen." My thoughts were still on the stained sheets.

"That's not what I meant, Cam. Do you regret what happened between us?"

I was startled by his question. "No. Do you?"

"No, as long as you're okay with it. This has been the best night of my life. I know it wasn't as good for you, but it'll be better next time."

"It gets better than that?" I asked in wonder.

Some of the heat came back into his eyes as he looked at me. "Yes, Cam. I promise to make it better next time."

I suddenly didn't want to leave this room, but I knew that I had to get home before Mom returned.

"It's time to go," I said reluctantly.

When we were in the car on the way home, I continued the conversation. "Why did you say that it wasn't as good for me?"

"From what I've been reading, the first time isn't that good for girls," Jake said.

"You've been reading about sex? I thought you already knew about it from experience." I was torn between being curious about his sexual past and dreading the answer.

"I don't know much," he admitted to my surprise. "My first time was at a party, and I was drunk, so my memory of it isn't that clear. It was weird to wake up in her bed the next morning since we weren't even dating. Then she kept hanging on me and trying to get with me again. I thought I might as well since we already did it before anyway. It was even worse that time, because I ended up calling out your name. She was pissed, and I thought that was it, but then she was all over me again in a few days."

"You mean you've only been with Madison?" I asked.

"Yeah, three times. It wasn't exactly a great learning experience. That's why I've been reading up on the female response to try to make it good for you."

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