Chapter 2: Meeting the Neighbour

Start from the beginning

“Just be careful, okay? I don’t trust him, and you shouldn’t either; whether you know him or not.”

“What exactly do you think he’ll do to me? He gave me cake and a vase to welcome me to the neighbourhood. No one else did that. He’s nice, Lou. Stop overthinking and just eat the cake.”

“And what if that cake is poisoned?” Louis challenges.

“Then Niall would be dead by now, cuz I’m pretty sure he’s inhaling  his piece,” Zayn answers instead, poking his head out from the kitchen. “You might wanna get your slice before he inhales that too. Wouldn’t be good for his stomach later, but we’ll avoid telling him that, okay?”

“Come on, Lou. Niall’s still alive. Nothing’s wrong with the cake. Just eat,” Harry prompts as he enters the kitchen.



Harry wakes up around noon the next day, determined to unpack the rest of his stuff alone. After him and the lads ate the cake and went out last night to ‘drink their hearts out’, as Niall likes to say every time they go out, Harry pretty much passed out on his bed in his new bedroom.

Now, Harry puts on pajama bottoms and a loose shirt to feel comfortable for the busy day ahead. It’s mostly just unpacking the boxes and luggages full of clothes. It needs to be done, though. He needs his clothes, for sure.

As soon as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell rings, startling him.

I’m definitely not expecting anyone, he thinks as he stares at the door, not really sure what to do. I mean, he knows he should probably check who it is, then decide whether he should open it or not, but this is too – How can he even describe this moment, anyway?

The doorbell goes off again, then again. Harry sighs and hesitantly goes to the door, looking through the peephole and seeing none other than Liam.

Of course. Who else should he have expected, since his mates are probably still sleeping even at this time and would stay at their own homes to deal with their hangovers? But why is Liam here right now? Did he know Harry has just woken up? How would he have known that? And at the exact moment that he just walked down the stairs?

Instead of continuing to overthink this, Harry lets out a nervous breath and opens the door with a small smile.

“Hi, Liam.”

“Good afternoon, Harry! How was last night?”

“Uh, good. Me and the lads went out for a drink, and we ended up drinking more than I hoped for. But, um, how did you know about last night?”

“Oh. I just saw you guys heading out your house last night, then you came home around 2 in the morning. I’m glad you had fun, though. How are you feeling today? Still hungover, or did your long sleep help enough?” Liam asks politely.

Harry is just even more confused, because how could Liam know what time he came home and how long he slept ? This is really freaking me out now. Who is Liam Payne and how does he already know all these things happened after a day? Why is he here again?

“So, why exactly are you here?”

“Right. I was actually gonna ask you if you need help getting rid of that hangover,” Liam responds simply.

“No need. I’m fine, really. I was just gonna unpack all of my clothes today. Hopefully I get it all done today, then I can relax for the rest of the week before I start working.”

“Do you need help?”

“I – I think I’m fine doing it on my own, actually. I was gonna have a quick lunch, since I missed breakfast earlier, then I was gonna unpack all day. I can manage on my own, Liam. But thanks for the offer.”

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