Season 1 - Chapter 26: Battle for the Hall of Fame

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"The Team Battle Competition works like a tournament. As usual, the competing teams that take the top three spots will receive points. We have two teams tied for the lead with 13 points. And those teams are Team Froakie and Team Squirtle. This is our final camp event; So give it all you got and have fun!". We cheered in excitement when the Professor finished his speech.

Our team and Team Squirtle walked back together to our cabin and sat down to talk about Team Battles. Once everyone was comfortable, and once Serena gave me, Pikachu, Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur a PokePuff, Clemont started to speak. "A Team Battle consists of Several Trainers forming a team and battling using various types of formations" Clemont explained. "Now, today our team will be made up of three Trainers but it can be a five or even seven-person team" Trevor explained. "Wow, really?" Ash said in amazement. "It sounds confusing to me," Serena said. "It sounds super fun to me," I said with a grin.

After all the battling that we did, we were told that both our team and Team Squirtle made it to the final round and would be facing off against each other. The Professor then said that we could have our strategy meeting so we decided to have ours on the way to the Pokémon Center to get a check-up. Ash had swapped using Pikachu and me during the battels and Pikachu was the last one to battle. When we arrived at the Pokémon Center we were handed off to Nurse Joy and after a little while, Nurse joy and her assistant carried everyone back to the lobby while I walked.

Once we arrived back in the lobby Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder and Ash scratched under his chin. I didn't want to be left out so I walked over to Ash and looked up at him. He smiled down at me and scratched under my chin to. I enjoyed the feeling until I heard three pairs of rapidly approaching footsteps. "Nurse Joy!" I heard Shauna's voice call out. "We're here for our Pokemon," Tierno said. "Huh? That's confusing" I heard Nurse Joy say.

I immediately got a sense of dread and worry and they were only confirmed with what Nures Joy said next. "I'm afraid they're not here". "But the Chefs said that they were going to do a Check-up on our Pokemon" Tierno said, his voice filled with worry. They then went on to tell us how the chefs intercepted them when they were on their way here and said that they could do a check-up for them. They then told us that the chefs said they have also licensed healthcare professionals which I didn't believe for a second.

"Our Chefs did that?" Ash said in a confused tone. "Guess they can do anything," Bonnie said. "Well, I for one don't believe that those three are chefs AND Licensed Health care professionals. Somethings definitely wrong here" I said with my blood-red eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Well then, let's split up and go look for the" Ash said and we nodded in agreement. Immediately after that I ran out of the Pokemon Center and started to concentrate on the scents of the three chefs and our friends Pokemon. Once I got the scent I charged into the first in the direction of the scent.

After I ran for not hat long I came upon the three chefs and the Head Chef. "Where are you hiding Charmnader, Dqurtle, and Bulbasaur!" I snarled angrily. "Well, Well," THe female chef said. "No need to grouse" The male continued. "Pikachu and Umbreon in the house," The short one said. I ran forward and noticed Fennekin running next to me. We ran straight up to the tarp cover thing and scented the three pokemon in there. Fennekin started to paw at it but I tapped her shoulder with my paw.

She looked over at me and I silently told her my plan. She nodded her head and we both grabbed the tarp with our mouths and pulled back, revealing the three Pokemon we ere looking for covered on vines that were draining their energy. "What do you think you're doing with them!" Ash shouted from behind me. I jumped back with Fennekin as the chefs ripped their clothes off and revealed an all too familiar get-up and into.

(Jessie - James - Meowth)

"Prepare for trouble, we don't think, we know.". "And make it a multi-kidnapping show". "To protect the world from devastation". "To unite all people within our nation". "To denounce the evils of truth and love". "To extend our reach to the stars above". "Jessie". "And James". "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light". "Surrender now or prepare for a frantic food fight!" Meowth, that's right!"

"Team Rocket, Not you guys again!" Ash shouted while pointing at them. "Team Rocket?" Trevor said in a questioning tone. "They're bad guys who try to steal other people's Pokemon. They're always trying to capture Me and Pikachu" I said answering Trevor's question. "Does that mean you're not real chefs?" The Head Chef Lady asked. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but this is our day job," Jessie said in a fake apology. "But you don't have to pay us for today," Meowth said bowing slightly. "Wait...THEY GOT PAID TO SPY ON US!" I mentally shouted.

"These are the tools of the Team Rocket trade," Jessie said. "What did you say!" I shouted in anger while or three other friends shouted their own protests. "And now we go into act two," James said as the two of them threw their Pokeballs and released their Pokemon. "Don't move a Twerpish inch. Not if you want to keep these lugs safe" Meowth said threateningly. I growled in anger just as the other did. "You cowards!" Trevor yelled. "Well, duh, we're bad guys," Meowth said smugly.

"I'm going wipe that smug look off your face Meowth" I spat. "If you want to save your friends you won't. But we can make a deal Pikachu and Umbreon" Jessie said. "Sometimes I feel like they just forget my name," I deadpanned. "Join up with Team Rocket. We keep it real" James said. "That's got to be a joke," Ash said in an outraged tone. I was about to say something when I felt the earth beneath me shift a little. I looked back up at Clemont and saw him smirk confidently.

I got that as a signal to get ready. Once Bunnelby burst from the ground I started running towards Team Rocket. I heard Ash throw out Froakie and Serena sent out Fennekin and we were running alongside each other. "Okay, Inkay, Psybeam" James ordered. "Pumpkaboo, Shadow Ball!" Jessie commanded. "Quick, Froakie, use your frubbles, now!" Ash shouted. Froakie jumped up and threw his frubbles at Inkay and Pumpkaboo and it covered their faces.

"Use Scratch, Fennekin!" Serena shouted. Fennekin jumped towards the vines and cut the vines that covered the cart off. "Alright Aiko, use Iron Tail and cut that cart in half!" Ash shouted. I nodded before I jumped up as my tail turned to iron and slammed my tail down, breaking the cart and freeing the pokemon inside it. "Now, Pikachu, wrap it up with Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted. Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulders and into the air and started to use his Thunderbolt move. I quickly joined him and sent my Dark Pulse and at the same time Pikachu sent his Thunderbolt towards Team Rocket and they blasted off like always.

Timeskip: To the next Day

After the Team Battle, which we won, by the way, the Fireworks the night before, and after learning how to move and grove like Tierno we start to part ways with promises of meeting each other again. And with that, we concluded our adventures at the Pokemon Summer Camp and continued our journey to Shaluor City.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading and until next time

Also please check out my other Fan-Fics if you're interested.

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Published: Sunday - November 8th, 2020 - 1:54 A.M. 

Aiko's Kalos Journey - Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें