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Charlotte's p.o.v.

'Happy birthday darling.' My aunt Narcissa said walking in my room. I gave her a weak smile as I got up from my seat. 'Thank you, do you think my letter will come in?' I smiled even though I know what the answer will be. 'Do not even consider Hogwarts Charlotte, you are not going until Draco is old enough to join.' Lucius said, walking in the doorway. 

'Yes sir.' I mumbled softly sitting back down on my chair. 'I am going to work now darling, and to mention last nights topic. Yes go spoil her just this once, it's not everyday a witch turns eleven.' Lucius said, giving me a small smile walking away. I looked at Lucius, utterly flabbergasted as his body became smaller as he left my room. 

'Wait are you serious..?' I smiled looking up at Narcissa who was giving me her true smile. 'Yes sweetie, let me tell Dobby to watch Draco so you and I can go to Diagon Alley.' As she was about to leave I stopped her, asking if both Draco and Dobby could come. 'You are too kind for that little elf. Do not let Lucius find out about your friendship with that elf, but okay we can bring them, get ready darling.' With that she left me alone to change. 

As I put on my black dress on Dobby popped up on my bed, holding a cupcake with a candle in it. 'Happy birthday mistress Lestrange.' 'Oh Dobby, you know you can call me Charlotte, also thank you very much.' As I took the cupcake from him I blew out the candle, hoping for a wish I know won't come true. 

'You have always been so kind to Dobby miss Charlotte. I will give you space to change miss I am sorry.' With that he left, leaving me alone. I sat down on my chair, looking in the mirror debating on what to do with my hair. With every year I get older, the curls my mother has show their way on my head. My features are the same as hers and I am embarrassed of how much I look like her. 

Maybe it's best that you are not in Hogwarts, people will stare, whisper, try and beat you down because of your mother. Do not do that to yourself.  'What is on your mind young duckling?' Narcissa said, smiling in the mirror looking at my refection. 'Just that maybe uncle Lucius is right about me staying away from Hogwarts. I look too much like my mother, it will not be safe for me there. Everyone will talk about me, maybe even hurt me.' 

'Oh little duckling, do not start. Just because you look like your mother does not mean you are like her. I see a difference in you when it comes to your personality,' Narcissa said starting to braid my hair in two Dutch braids, 'and when it comes to Lucius being right or not, that does not matter in any way possible. You are a unique lady, and you would do amazing in Hogwarts. Now let get to Diagon Alley.' As she finished braiding, she kissed my head and walked to the main hall. 


'So is there anything you'd like from me Char?' Draco said walking next to me following his mother around. A smile appeared on my face and just like that he read my mind. 'Ice cream sound about right, but let's do it later is that okay?' 'Draco is right about that darling. Dobby take Charlotte to Flourish and Blotts so she can get this years school supplies, we do not want you be behind once you enrol Hogwarts now do we?' Narcissa smiled at me as she and Draco walked into a different direction. 

'Let's go miss.' Dobby said walking into the direction of the bookshop. As I was following Dobby, I took in my surroundings, I mean, I have never been to Diagon Alley before. 'What's this shop Dobby?' I said looking at the brooms in the window. 'Dobby?' I said looking around. 'It's the Quidditch Supplies shop dear,' a lady with red curls said to me as she looked around, 'are you all alone sweetheart?' She smiled this genuine smile I had not quite seen before. 

'I think I lost my elf.. we were supposed to go to um, Flouring and Botts?' I said not sure if I said the right name. As the lady let out a giggle my assumption is right, I did not say it well. 'Flourish and Blotts dear, well follow me, my boys are there now. What's your name dear?' The lady said smiling at me. My heart started pounding in my chest, I do not know how to reply to this lady. 

'I am Charlotte ma'am.' I spoke clearly, trying not to mumble in fear as I followed her to the shop. 'Nice to meet you Charlotte, I am Molly Weasley, feel free to call me Mrs Weasley or Molly, ma'am is not needed.' She gave me a warm smile as we walked into the shop. I saw Dobby ran around and I am wondering if he realised I was gone. As he saw me walk in he came up to me and gave me a tight hug. 'Oh miss Charlotte, thank goodness you are okay. Mrs Malfoy would have taken off my head if anything happened to you!' He said rapidly causing Mrs Weasley to step away from me. 

'Malfoy? As in Narcissa Malfoy? Oh my, well I am sorry dear but our paths end here.' She said as she walked to two boys, twins I presume. 'I am fine Dobby, I got Mrs Weasley to thank for that, I was a bit lost for a second.' I smiled weakly looking towards the floor. Dobby turned to Mrs Weasley and happily thanked her for her kind act. I could not help but to hear her whisper, 'I did not know the Malfoy's have a daughter.  We are going to have to ask your father to confirm or deny this.' 

'Mum, if she is a Malfoy, does that mean she will attend Hogwarts this year?' One of her boys asked her. 'Let's go miss Charlotte I got all the books Mrs Malfoy requested me to get.' Trying to muffle out Mrs Weasley and her boys I walked with Dobby outside the shop. 'Charlotte dear,' Mrs Weasley started as we were about to walk out, 'good luck, with your studies.' I looked at her and gave her a polite nod. 'Thank you Mrs Weasley, I could use that.' I smiled weakly stepping outside. 

'Dobby, where are we meeting our aunt? Also what is the time?' I said looking around trying to find a clock. 'It is close to noon miss and we are supposed to meet your aunt at the ice cream parlour after we got the last things for your classes.' Dobby smiled walking ahead of me, carrying my schoolbooks. 'Let me take those Dobby, you know how I feel about you carrying my belongings.' I smiled taking my books from him. 

As we bought the last school related things that we needed, we met up with Narcissa and Draco at the ice cream parlour. 'Happy birthday Charlotte.' Draco smiled at me handing me the broom that was in the window of the Quidditch shop. 'Wait are you serious?' I said baffled not sure how to accept the broom. 'Yes, you taught me how to fly, you deserve this one to continue teaching me of course.' Draco laughed. 

'Of course I will keep teaching you.' I said smiling nervously taking the broom from him. 'Once again happy birthday from me darling.' Narcissa said holding up a white nebelung kitten. 'You remembered?' I whispered taking a step closer to Narcissa and the kitten. My heart racing in my throat I gave the kitten a small pet. 'It's a girl, all yours and I got you quite some stuff for her.' She smiled taking my broom as she gave me the kitten. 

As I pet her I felt some eyes on me. Looking around I saw the Weasley boys standing together, looking at me. 'What is it darling?' Narcissa asked me looking around. 'Nothing aunt Narcissa, I am just a little tired that is all.' 'Let's get you home darling.' She smiled at me, took Draco's hand and had Dobby apparating them home. As Dobby did so the last thing Charlotte saw was the Weasley boys and Mrs Weasley looking at her.

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