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Charlotte's infant years went by like there was no tomorrow and her toddler years begun before they knew it. She is six, living with her aunt, her husband and her nephew, surrounded by an house elf and her connection to magic seems to be limited if we look at her uncles rules.

'Thank you aunty.' Charlotte said, smiling as she held onto her new kids broomstick. 'You are welcome dear, go take a spin in the backyard.' Narcissa smiled at her niece, watching her run to their garden. Lucius showed Narcissa a disappointed look as their niece was out of sight.

'My dear, why do you keep spoiling the child. Just because she is your sister's daughter does not mean she deserves everything her heart desires. Are we even sure she is Bellatrix's daughter?' Narcissa turned to Lucius and was trying to grasp every word he spoke into her mind. 'How could you Lucius. She deserves just as much as Draco and you know it. Also how dare you to question whether she is Bellatrix her daughter or not. Have you not looked at her properly?'

As the couple decided to bicker some more in the living room, Charlotte was in the yard. Her black curls bounced in her face, her pale complexion got a little more tanned each summer, dark brown eyes and even her summer freckles who decided to stay on her skin until winter was a proper thing. Or well, until she avoided the sun.

Charlotte mounted her broom, kicked off from the floor as she saw her aunty always do and hovered above the ground. 'I want to try!' Draco said as he walked towards her, smiling his baby smile. 'You can once I am done deal?' Charlotte giggled as she went around him a couple of times. Draco agreed with his niece and watched as she flew just as high as the hedges that guarded the yard.

Lucius noticed through the window what his niece was doing, being unhappy was underrated towards what he felt at this point. Disappointed is a better word. 'Narcissa, honey, your niece is flying towards the hedge again.' 'Lucius, stop this behaviour immediately, she is just as much your niece as mine. Also if it bothers you so much then just tell her that is not allowed. She is six and innocent, not a villain.'

Not sure how to answer his wife Lucius decided it is best if he stays silent. As he read the Daily Prophet screaming erupted from the backyard. Making sure both Lucius and Narcissa arrived there within a split second.

'I am so sorry.. I- it should not have happened.. he wanted to try and I let him I watched I promise and it just- I am sorry..' Charlotte mumbled, weeping and holding Draco close to her chest, blood smears on both her shirt and his face. 'Oh my, Draco honey.' Narcissa took her boy from Charlotte and examined his wound.

After comforting both Charlotte and Draco that it was just a scratch, Narcissa took Draco inside, seen the house elf and got him all cleaned up. Outside the situation was not as light as it could have been.

'You foolish child,' Lucius started as he hit her with his cane, causing a small cut to appear by her eye, 'do not even dare to tell your aunt how you got that you hear me. Off to your room. No dinner for you.' As Charlotte quietly obeyed she took her broom off the floor, only to have it snatched by her uncle.

'Do not even consider that you can hold onto this. You will break everything we had to get you. Room. Now.' Lucius spoke as he saw his niece walk towards her room. 'Stupid child. Just like your mother, careless and useless.'

Charlotte went up to her room, closed her door and felt her tears roll down her cheek as she looked under her mattress for her diary. She opened the first page and looked at the picture of her mother smiling, holding her daughter up in the air. Mum.. why did you had to leave me.. why did you do this to me. She thought to herself, holding her journal to her chest as she laid down in bed.


A/N -- helloooo I hope you like this book so far! I know there is not much yet and I am so sorry for that! One more chapter about her youth before she goes to Hogwarts! Interesting times ahead!

Love! xo

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