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'Oh Bellatrix, she is gorgeous. How come you never told me sister?' Narcissa said, holding her little niece in her arms. Watching as her sister decided how to answer this question.
'Oh you know me, I like to stay silent and alone over bragging.' Bellatrix looked at her daughter, a child that was not supposed to be on this earth.
'What will you call her? Please tell me you have at least a name in mind.' Bellatrix stayed silent, ignoring every word her sister spoke. She found it rather annoying that her sister immediately wanted to know everything about this child.
'Is it not time you and Lucius get a child Cissy? Rather to focus so much on mine?' Arms stretched out for her child, Bellatrix waited until she got her back in her arms. Imagine what a bright little Slytherin she will be, just like your father and I. Bellatrix thought as she got her daughter back.
'And for your information, her name will be Charlotte Emily Lestrange.'
Narcissa smiled at her sister, brushing off the snarky comment she let out on her and Lucius getting a child and watched as her sister for the first time in her life, decided to give love to someone that is not the Dark Lord, her husband, or herself.
Maybe this child can show her sister some love in this world.
All seemed to be working, Bellatrix her hatred days became less and less when she spend time with her daughter, until it all changed on October 31st of 1981. The day she lost herself, was the day she lost her daughter.

Hey guys! So it's fair to say that it's been a while since I've written a fanfiction and this one has been bugging my mind for as long as I can remember.
So here is the first chapter to a Lestrange at Hogwarts. Of course will the other chapters have a different length to it, I just wanted to start with this one as a little introduction!
Let me know what you think of it! Expect at least weekly uploads!
Love love love from me.

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