Chapter 1: How you got into UA

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It was 4:31 am Y/N couldn't sleep because They were worried that they wouldn't pass the test for UA.
Then Y/N decided to just train for what's coming for the exam


It was 6:14 am Y/N was getting ready to go to UA
But suddenly Y/N felt like he was missing something really important but then he felt a pull
He looked down and he saw his pet P/N (P/N means pets name) Y/N put his pet on his head
And started to walk to UA while he was getting there he was getting a bit hungry
Its a good thing that Y/N keeps ketchup packets with him all the time
Y/N opened the ketchup packet and gave some to his pet to, then after some time they got to UA high school
It was huge there were some blossom trees then decided to wait outside but then you got to see the sight of gravity girl and green haired boy "that was a sight to see" said Y/N he went inside after that then he had his seat beside a girl that has green hair big eyes and her hair is like a ribbon then Y/N decided to talk to the girl while it wasn't starting
"Hi, what's your name? My name is Y/N" Y/N said as she looked at Y/N she said with a smile on her face "My name is Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsu" she said Y/N thought that was a wonderful Y/N smile
But then Tsu asked "What's on you're head?" Y/N answered back to her "Oh this is my pet P/N he helps me keep calm when I use my quirk" it seemed like Tsu had interest in they're quirk
But then Present Mic started to tell us the rules Blue haired boy was asking questions
But I heard something it was coming from green haired boy I was going to ask him to stop but a guy said to be quiet
Poor green haired boy he was just writing down notes, anyways so we started to head to the place where Present Mic
Told us to go to when the, countdown ended  I started to run I was going around looking for some robots to smash
Then I saw one then Y/N said "Now P/N" P/N bit Y/N arm then Y/N touch the wound then he felt the blood luckily
His mother has healing powers that helped him he bled so much when he was a kid that he got his mothers powers
Y/N summoned the bone sword and chopped the robot "Yes 3 points!" Y/N said
He found a bunch of robots he then used the bones to hit them and to stop them from hitting him now Y/N has
12 points!
Y/N was  looking around for some more robots but then you saw Tsu destroy a robot but there was one behind her that
She didn't know was there "TSU WATCH OUT" Y/N said as he summoned a blue bone then his pet help him destroy
The robot,then Y/N helped Tsu up "Thanks Y/N" she said then she went to look for some more robots
Y/N noticed that she can jump really high and she has a long tounge so her quirk is probably frog?


Y/N is watching TV then he hears the doorbell ring Y/N opened it then he was surprised that there was a hologram
Of ALLMIGHT as Y/N looked at and listened to the hologram then he found out that he made it into UA!
And this was the journey to the bone like hero


A/N: Hello it's me again hope you read the first page A/N if you didn't then go read it then you won't be confused
Anyways thanks for reading the first chapter I'll be making more like 2 more times so 3 chapters every 1 week sounds good? Ok bye now stay safe go do school or something idk bye :)

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